

  • (primacy 的复数) n. 第一, 首位, 卓越



  • 例句与用法
  • However, as soon as she recognised that behind the confucian insistence on responsibility, civility and decency is the primacy of creativity and transformation as an integral part of one's commitment to learning to be human, she put the idea into practice not only as an interpreter but also as an activist
  • These years, electron-information technology and biomedicine have been regarded as the primacy of high-tech . their combin organically will effectively promote the research on the medicine and medicinal information . the ecg data and information manage system is an important constitute part of a great deal of medicinal information storeroom
  • What ’ s more, the family contract land functions as both the producer and the supporter in the developing rural areas, so in these areas, the principle of “ equity taking primacy, while efficiency, in consideration ” should be implemented to protect the living rights and interests of the peasants, while in the developed coastal areas, the principle of “ efficiency taking primacy, while equity, in consideration ” should be carried out
  • What ’ s more, the family contract land functions as both the producer and the supporter in the developing rural areas, so in these areas, the principle of “ equity taking primacy, while efficiency, in consideration ” should be implemented to protect the living rights and interests of the peasants, while in the developed coastal areas, the principle of “ efficiency taking primacy, while equity, in consideration ” should be carried out
  • The robust serial position effects were founded in the free recall experiment and in the continuous distractor paradigm with chinese character . but in the 30s distractor experiment paradigm, the primacy effect still exited, the recency effect disappeared . and the contextual-retrieval hypothesis failed to explain this phenomenon . according to the contextual cue and memory trace, it is applied successfully that the associative memory and absolute memory to the primacy effect and the recency effect respectively
  • The robust serial position effects were founded in the free recall experiment and in the continuous distractor paradigm with chinese character . but in the 30s distractor experiment paradigm, the primacy effect still exited, the recency effect disappeared . and the contextual-retrieval hypothesis failed to explain this phenomenon . according to the contextual cue and memory trace, it is applied successfully that the associative memory and absolute memory to the primacy effect and the recency effect respectively
  • Compay development is the goal : on the scientific development, upholding the primacy of efficiency, and promote the development of companies and netmork transactions changes further enhance the company's quality assyrance capabilities, the allocation of resources capacity, risk prevention capacity, moderm management, information technology standerds, quality seavice standards, staff quality and corporate brand image significantly enhanced
  • During the amending process, we should implement the principle of primacy of protecting the citizens'legal rights and emphasize studying and solving the following subjects regarding the systematical innovation and improvement in order to protect the citizens'legal rights effectively : protecting the citizens'legal rights should be the leading purpose of the legislation of administrative litigation; the principle of judicial ultimacy should be abided in the mechanism of solving administrative disputes; the scopes of accepting cases, participants and relieves in administrative litigation should be broadened; and both fairness and efficiency should be considered in the legislation of administrative litigation
  • However, as they gained cohesion, the bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women's group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon
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