
on the loose中文是什么意思

  • 散漫, 行动不受限制, 放荡



  • 例句与用法
  • The worldly villains are on the loose again , and it s up to earth s interstellar police force to bring them to justice in this sequel to the sci - fi co . .
  • After more than three hours on the loose , uschi was brought down by tranquilliser darts , without harming her unborn calf , fire services spokesman martin argendorf said on tuesday
    当地消防部门的发言人马丁阿尔根多夫于4月24日表示, 3个多小时后人们终于使用带有镇静剂的飞镖令乌斯奇束手就擒,而其腹中尚未出生的小牛在此过程中则毫发无损。
  • However , it isn t long before harry and company discover something is amiss at hogwarts : students are petrified like statues , threats are written in blood on the walls , and a deadly monster is on the loose
  • A new report says the virginia tech officials could have saved lives if they had quickly warned students that a killer was on the loose , instead it took administrators more than two hours to send a warning e - mail
  • A new report says the virginia tech officials could have saved lives if they had quickly warned the students that a killer was on the loose , instead it took administrators more than two hours to send a warning e - mail
  • After more than three hours on the loose , uschi was brought down by tranquilliser darts , without harming her unborn calf , fire services spokesman martin argendorf said on tuesday . " she probably wo n ' t remember any of it when she wakes up again
    当地消防部门的发言人马丁阿尔根多夫于4月24日表示, 3个多小时后人们终于使用带有镇静剂的飞镖令乌斯奇束手就擒,而其腹中尚未出生的小牛在此过程中则毫发无损。
  • A new report says the virginia tech officials could have saved lives if they had quickly warned the students that a killer was on the loose , instead it took administrators more than two hours to send a warning e - mail
  • Introduction : driving your motorcycle leap in the distant cliffs , in the course of the flight will encounter many strange things , it for example , the aliens will face robbery , will face flight of birds unable to reach the other side of the game is the failure of the attention has been pressed not to be looking . appropriate time to hand on the loose can adjust the angle of a springboard
  • Driving your motorcycle leap in the distant cliffs , in the course of the flight will encounter many strange things , it for example , the aliens will face robbery , will face flight of birds unable to reach the other side of the game is the failure of the attention has been pressed not to be looking . appropriate time to hand on the loose can adjust the angle of a springboard
  • Lee s albums caught glimpses of the screen goddess , in her glamorous woollen overcoat , fur muffler and high heels , gleefully snacking at japanese roadside food stalls like a spoiled child on the loose . among the artefacts we collected were tiny notebooks scribbled with lee s notes , most of them penned in the early and mid - 1950s , discussing drama ,
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  • 英文解释
  • having escaped, especially from confinement; "a convict still at large"; "searching for two escaped prisoners"; "dogs loose on the streets"; "criminals on the loose in the neighborhood"
    同义词:at large, escaped, loose,

  • 其他语种释义
  • on the looseとは意味:(犯人{はんにん}?サーカスの動物{どうぶつ}などが)逃亡{とうぼう}して、羽目{はめ}を外して I have to call the police because I saw the killer on the loose a few moments ago. ついさっき逃走中の殺人犯を見たので、警察に電話しなくてはならない。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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