The centre for health protection of the department of health today november 20 urged members of the public to be on guard against food - borne infections when travelling overseas following notification of four cases of imported bacillary dysentery 生署生防护中心今日十一月二十日收到4宗外地传入的杆菌性痢疾报告,提醒市民于外游时慎防经食物传播的疾病。
A spokesman for the department said the campaign would be conducted from november 20 to 26 . " it aims to encourage staff to provide courteous and efficient service to the public , and will also help promote hong kong tourism , " he said 入境处发言人说:该运动将于二o o六年十一月二十日至二十六日期间举行,目的在鼓励员工注重礼貌,继续为市民提供更优质的服务。
As at noon today november 25 , there was no new case in the ward . the six female patients , aged from 19 to 29 , who developed fever and respiratory tract infection symptoms between november 20 and 24 , were afebrile 截至今日十一月二十五日中午12时,有关病房无新个案,曾于十一月二十日至二十四日期间出现发烧及呼吸道感染的六名介乎19至29岁的女病人,今日已退烧。
Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the opening ceremony of the " world trade organization and china law seminar " organised by the isinolaw research center and wto shanghai research center on november 20 , 2000 律政司司长梁爱诗在中华法律研究中心及世界贸易组织上海研究中心联合举办的世界贸易组织和中国法律讲座开幕典礼致辞全文十一月二十日
Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the opening ceremony of the " world trade organization and china law seminar " organised by the isinolaw research center and wto shanghai research center on november 20 , 2000 律政司司长梁爱诗在中华法律研究中心及世界贸易组织上海研究中心联合举办的《世界贸易组织和中国法律》讲座开幕典礼致辞全文(十一月二十日)
Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the opening ceremony of the " world trade organization and china law seminar " organised by the isinolaw research center and wto shanghai research center on november 20 , 2000 律政司司长梁爱诗在中华法律研究中心及世界贸易组织上海研究中心联合举办的《世界贸易组织和中国法律》讲座开幕典礼致辞全文(十一月二十日)