wife n. (pl. wives ) 1.妻。 2.〔古语〕女人,乡下妇人。 3.〔美俚〕脚镣;〔军俚〕同房伙伴。 wedded [lawful] wife 正妻,元配。 plural wives 妻妾。 man [husband] and wife 夫妇。 an old wife 1. (多嘴的)老太婆。 2. 〔俚语〕烟囱帽,烟罩。 give sb. to wife 嫁。 have a wife 已娶妻。 take [have] sb. to wife 娶某人为妻。 adj. -ly = wifelike.
Spouse is defined in section 2 as a husband or wife . husband means a married man and wife means a married woman 在该条例第2条,配偶一词的定义是指丈夫或妻子而丈夫是指已婚男性,妻子则指已婚妇女。
I might have seen there was too great a disparity between the ages of the parties to make it likely that they were man and wife 我察觉我搞错了,便企图改正它。我本来该看出双方的年相差太大,不像是夫妻。
Spouse is defined in section 2 as a husband or wife . husband means a married man and wife means a married woman 在该条例第2条,配偶一词的定义是指丈夫或妻子;而丈夫是指已婚男性,妻子则指已婚妇女。
However strange , however impossible such happiness , i must do everything that we may be man and wife , he said to himself “既不管这种幸福多么奇特,也不管这种幸福多么不可能,为了和她结为夫妇,我都要竭尽自己的全力去做。 ”
Meanwhile , the marriage bed with its bright red curtains evokes the physical act of love which , according to christian doctrine , is an essential part of the perfect union of man and wife 两人身后,大红色的垂帘的婚床使人联想起“爱的肉体行为” ,根据基督教义,这样的行为是夫妻完美结合的要素。
I did consider ; and still my sense , such as it was , directed me only to the fact that we did not love each other as man and wife should : and therefore it inferred we ought not to marry 我的确考虑了。我的理智虽然平庸,却替我指出了这样的事实:我们并没有象夫妻那么彼此相爱,因而断言我们不应当结婚。
Where the applicant or the deceased and the offender were living together at the time of incident as members of the same family or as man and wife , compensation will be only payable under certain conditions 如申请人或死者与罪犯为同一家庭的成员或夫妇,并于罪案发生时居于同一地点,则在特别情况下方会获发赔偿。
Unless the room clerk is absolutely certain from some information that he possesses , it is unwise to challenge a represented relationship because of a feeling that is not man and wife or brother and sister 因为感觉某个男人或女人不是夫妻或兄妹就去质疑表格中所填写的关系是很不明智的,除非服务员对他掌握的情况能够完全肯定。
It s been meat and drink , and man and wife , to me ; and if i m not to have my rum now i m a poor old hulk on a lee shore , my blood ll be on you , jim , and that doctor swab ; and he ran on again for a while with curses 我告诉你,我是靠酒活过来的,对我来说,它是粮食是水是伙伴是老婆。要是现在我离了酒,我就是下风岸上的一艘可怜的破废船。你得对我负责,吉姆,而那个医生是个笨蛋。 ”
Thus we are deprived of every thing that hath a tendency to make life even tolerable , the endearing ties of husband and wife we are strangers to for we are no longer man and wife than our masters or mistresses think proper married or unmarried 这样我们就被剥夺了一切哪怕使生活仅可忍受的东西,夫妻之间的甜蜜关系与我们无缘,因为我们不再是像我们的男主人或女主人认为的那样经正当结合或未曾结婚的夫妻。
two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love" 同义词:marriage, married couple,