It is essential for us , for china , the us and the eu indeed for the health of the entire international system that this threat is faced down 对英国、中国、美国和欧盟来说确切地说是为了整个国际体系的健康发展我们必须要降低这种压力。
The key features of the international system are decimalization , a system of prefixes , and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure 国际制度的主要特点是采用了十进制法、字首体系、以不变的物理度量方式解释的标准。
From china s perspective , it would seem that its national interest would be much better served by working with us to shape the future international system 从中国的角度来看,今后与我们共同发展国际体系,看来更有利于维护中国的国家利益。
Seven u . s . presidents of both parties recognized this strategic shift and worked to integrate china as a full member of the international system 美国两党的七位总统注意到已出现的战略转移,努力促使中国融入国际体系,成为其中的正式成员。
An international system founded in tolerance and respect for diversity will promote the cause of peace and reduce the use , or threat of use , of force 一个建立在包容和尊重多样性基础上的国际体系,将推进和平事业,减少使用武力或以武力相威胁。
As permanent members of the un security council , both britain and china base our foreign policy on the maintenance of a strong and effective international system 作为联合国安全理事会常务成员国,英中两国的外交政策以保持强有效国际机制为基础。
It has accepted an invitation by the bush administration to discuss becoming a “ responsible stakeholder ” in the american - dominated international system 它已经接受了布什政府的邀请,参与探讨成为以美国为主导的国际体系中“负责任的风险承担者” 。