The present population of business concerns grew up as a result of the cumulative excess of business births . 目前企业单位数量的增长是企业诞生积累的结果。
In almost every other race of animals each individual, when it is grown up to maturity, is entirely independent . 别的动物,一长到壮年期,几乎全都能够独立。
Considerable literature has grown up relating to experimental confirmation of elastohydrodynamic theory . 关于弹性流体动力润滑理论的实验证明,已涌现出大量文献。
In some of the more remote hollows, children still grow up hearing songs of elizabethan times . 在一些较偏远的山谷里,孩子们成长过程中听到的仍是伊丽莎白时代的歌曲。
We had many family quarrels about it, and they began in time to grow up to a dangerous height . 关于这件事,我们家庭里发生了许多次的口角,这些口角逐渐发展到危险的程度。
I knew that my life was revolving about a world that i had to encounter and fight when i grew up . 我知道我的生活是在一个我长大时必须面临而又必须与之拼搏的世界里转来转去。
His inventions so far excelled the technique of his times that endless stories and legends grew up about him . 他的发明创造超出当代技术水平如此之远,以致后代流传了无数关于他的传说和故事。
Those kids grew up with locked gates and bodyguards, wary of everyone who wasn't part of their immediate family . 那些在牢锁的大门和保镖的保护下长大的小孩,对于不属于其家族近亲的每个人都怀有戒心。
Your honor, injustice blots out one form of life, but another grows up in its place with its own rights, needs, and aspirations . 法官阁下,不公正待遇抹掉了一种生活方式,但另一种生活方式代之而起,带着它自己的权利,需要和欲望。
grow upとは意味:成長{せいちょう}する、大人になる John should tell his girlfriend to grow up. ジョンはガールフレンドに、大人になれと言うべきだ。 I grew up in Kyoto. 私は京都で育ちました。/育ちは京都です。 Grow up, will you? もっと大人になったらね。◆親が子どもをたしなめるときに使う。 It seems you've grown...