
glass transition中文是什么意思

  • 玻变
  • 玻璃化转变
  • 玻璃化转谈
  • 玻璃相变
  • 玻璃转化
  • 玻璃转移



  • 例句与用法
  • The polymer of p - tert - butylstyrene ( tbs ) has a relative high glass transition temperature and is soluble in aliphatic solvent . it has a comprising prospect of application in many areas including the development of novel materials , theoretical research , dispersion polymerization , unpolluted paints , oil additives , and so on
  • National key laboratory of advanced composites ( lac ) in beijing institute of aeronautics materials ( biam ) has developed a new medium temperature curing epoxy resin system , of which the glass transition temperature is 119 . 88 , for resin transfer molding ( rtm ) . in order to investigate the relation between viscosity and time - temperature , the rheological behavior of the system was studied by dsc and viscosity experiments . a rheological model based on the dual - arrhenius equation was established and used to simulate the rheological behavior of the resin , which was in good agreement with experimental data
    本文表征了北京航空材料研究院先进复合材料国防科技重点实验室树脂组新开发出的rtm用中温固化环氧树脂体系3266 (玻璃化转变温度为119 . 88 )其粘度随时间、温度的变化关系,在粘度实验和dsc热分析实验的基础上,对用于rtm工艺的该环氧树脂体系的化学流变特性进行研究,并根据双阿累尼乌斯方程建立树脂体系的流变模型。
  • When the content of nano - sio2 is3wt % , the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were the best , impact strength is 98 % higher than that of epoxy resin , flexural strength is 112 % higher than when nano - sio2 is owt % . the differential scanning calorimetry analyses show that the addition of nano - sio2 increases the glass transition temperature
    认为材料制备时所采用的硅烷偶联剂,使降低了纳米sio _ 2的表面能,有利于纳米sio _ 2粒子在环氧树脂中的分散并易被大分子链浸润,对材料纳米结构的形成和性能的改善具有重要作用。
  • ( 4 ) only when the resistance r = l / c , the transition efficiency between electric energy and heat reach its maximum value , which makes it possible to design the high performance damping composites of multi - energy transitions by adjusting the vgcf content . cpe / zkf / vgcf composites : in the cpe / pzt / vgcf composites , the conversion efficiency from force to electricity is very low because of the obvious difference of rigidity between cpe and pzt , which leads to the damping effect of multi - energy transitions is not so evident as the viscoelasticity of the matrix cpe , especially during the cpe glass transition
    Cpe / zkf那gcf复合材料:针对cpe / pzt / vgcf复合材料中由于cpe和pzt之间模量差异较大,导致cpe和pzt之间的应力传递欠佳,影响力一电变换效率,从而压电导电减振作用效果并不十分显著的现象;本章中采用极性有机小分子双( 2一轻基- 3一环己基一5一甲基)一苯基]甲烷( zkf ) ,而不采用pzt ,消除了pzt与cpe模量方面差异的影响。
  • Forth , the glass transition temperature , creep and strain recovery of strain gage backing materials were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis ( dma ) and differential scanning calorimetry ( dsc ) . the influence temperature and stress imposing on creep were also discussed respectively . glass transition temperature , creep and strain recovery of five different composites films were compared
    考察了温度、应力对蠕变性能的影响,并对五种不同组分复合材料薄膜的玻璃化转变温度tg 、蠕变和应变回复率进行了比较,结果显示,按照最佳配方制备的应变片基底玻璃化转变温度tg高、应变小、应变回复率高,蠕变性能最好。
  • Polar polymers tend to separated from upr and make system form co - continuous structure , which make for shrinkage compensation . big difference of glass transition temperature ( tg ) between upr and lpa and a tg below the cure temperature is preferred , because there is more time and more efficient for microvoid formation of cured sample
    极性较大的lpa在固化过程中更有利于从upr相中分离出来,形成有利于补偿收缩的两相交互连续的形态结构,而玻璃化温度与upr的差别大且低于固化温度的lpa ,则使得固化试样形成微孔的时间长和效率高。
  • Comparison of the diffusion coefficients calculated by this new model with the present experimental data , including benzene , toluene , ethylbenzene in polystyrene ( ps ) and poly ( methyl methacrylate ) ( pmma ) are performed , calculation results in this study are in good agreement with experimental data , for the correct estimation of the hole - free volume change above and below the glass transition
  • Dsc for the nanocomposites showed the glass transition temperature ( tg ) of the nanocomposites increases slightly as the mmt content increases . water absorption velocity and water retentivity under pressure tests showed the addition of montmorillonite ( mmt ) can improve the beginning absorption velocity and water retentivity for pure superabsorbent resin
  • Test results show that that the breakcown voltage and heat distortion temperature the encapsulating materials of epoxy resin with hgh are famously improved , but the the addition of hgh , the viscosities of the epoxy resin - hgh system is higher compared with that of the others and the encapsulating process is effected . nano - sio2 improves the mechanical properties of encapsulating materials of epoxy resin , impact strength reaches 27 . 64kj / m2 from 13 . 95 kj / m2 , flexural strength reaches 136 . 68mpa from64 . 95 mpa . by addition of the montmorillonite , glass transition temperature and heat distortion temperature of the encapsulating materials are 13 . 2 and 16 higher than that of epoxy re
    结果表明,活性硅微粉对环氧灌封材料的热变形温度和电学性能提高较为显著,尤其在浸水后,电学性能降低幅度很小,西北工业大学硕士学位论文但活性硅微粉用量较大,材料的工艺性能明显降低;纳米5102对环氧灌封材料具有显著的增强和增韧作用,冲击强度、弯曲强度由原来的13 . 95kj / mz和64 . 95mpa分别提高到27 . 64kjzm2和136 . 68mpa 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 百科解释
The glass-liquid transition (or glass transition for short) is the reversible transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semicrystalline materials) from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state.
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