
first reading中文是什么意思

  • (议会审议议案时的)正式初读。



  • 例句与用法
  • When i read the first reading today from isaiah , i thought of gordon ' s vineyard , and the justifiable pride he has in it
    当我读到今天主日经文的第一篇(摘自依5 : 1 ~ 7 ) ,就想到郭登的葡萄园,以及因著他悉心的栽培而该有的荣耀。
  • Before using this guide to implement your high availability strategy , you should first read planning an exchange server 2003 messaging system
    使用此手册实作高可用性策略之前,您应该先阅读规划exchange server 2003邮件系统。
  • T : first read the article quickly in four minutes . please circle the new words . answer the questions in order to get the general idea
  • The final scene shows two versions of the next day ' s dailyexpress : the headline on the first reads “ world saved ” ; the other , “ worlddoomed ”
    最后的镜头展现了两个版本的《每日快报》 :一个版本的标题是: “世界获救” ,另一个是“世界毁灭” 。
  • Before recommending a book to your child , first read it . show warmth and sincerity in your guidance and disclose a little of the content to him to spark his interest
  • It has to be given three readings for its passage by the council . the first reading is a formality , with the clerk reading the short title of a bill at a council meeting
  • We recommend first reading through the scenario descriptions to find the scenario that best matches your application requirements , and then clicking the link for more information
  • For important information on deployment , including sr - 1 white papers and a detailed list of product updates in sp - 2 , organizations and network administrators should first read
    有关部署的重要信息,包括sr - 1白皮书和sp - 2中产品更新的详细列表,机构和网络管理员应首先阅读:
  • Usually , within about two or three weeks after the endorsement of the executive council , the bill will be published in the gazette and introduced into the legislative council for its first reading
  • Now the most important thing : you first read the explanations ; then you watch the movie . so , when you " re watching the film , you already know the necessary vocabulary
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • the first presentation of a bill in a legislature

  • 其他语种释义
  • first readingとは意味:{1} : 一読、1回目の審議、第一次検討 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 〈英〉第一読会、第1読会◆First Reading で。第一読会は英国議会の立法手続過程の一つ。青書→下院(第一読会→第二読会→関係委員会→下院本会議→第三読会)
  • 推荐英语阅读
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