at first 都一心学习,首先; 起初,刚开始; 起初,最初; 起初;开始; 起初,首先; 起先,首先; 起先,最初; 起先;开始的时候; 首先,开始的时候; 首先,最初; 首先;起先; 最初,起先; 最初,首先,开始时候; 逍遥自在地
first adj. 1.最初的,最早的。 2.最上等的,第一流的。 3.基本的,概要的。 4.高音(调)的。 Judge not of men and things at first sight. 〔谚语〕对人对事慢评论,初次印象未必真。 the first coat (油漆等的)底涂,底层。 the first impression 最初印象。 the first instance 【法律】初审。 the first snow of the season 初雪。 the first train 头班车。 the first two days = 〔古语〕 the two first days 头两天。 at first hand 直接。 at first sight [blush] 乍看;一见就。 at the first opportunity 一有机会就。 for the first time 第一次。 in the first place [instance] 首先。 on the first fine day 天一晴就。 take the first opportunity 一有机会就。 the F- Commoner 〔英国〕下议院议员。 the first form 〔英国〕(中等学校的)一年级。 the first thing 〔俚语〕首先。 n. 1.最初,第一;第一位。 2.每月的第一日,一号。 3.【音乐】高音部。 4.第一等,头等,优等,甲等; 〔pl.〕一级品。 5.(棒球的)第一垒。 6.【汽车】起码[最慢]速度。 get [take] a first 考第一。 come in first 跑第一。 May (the) first = the first of May 五月一日。 at (the) first 首先。 be the first to (do) 最先…的。 from first to last 自始至终。 from the first 从头,自始。 the F- 〔英国〕九月一号〔鹧鸪开猎日〕。 adv. 1.第一,最初,首先。 2.宁可。 safety first 安全第一。 F- come, first served. 〔谚语〕先到先招待。 stand first 站在最前面。 He said he would die first. 他说他宁愿死掉(也不作那样的事)。 first and foremost 首先,第一。 first and last 总的说来。 first, midst and last 彻头彻尾,始终,一贯。 first, last and all the time 〔美国〕始终一贯,绝对。 first of all 第一,首先。 first off 首先。 first or last 〔古、罕〕早晚,迟早。
When i read the first reading today from isaiah , i thought of gordon ' s vineyard , and the justifiable pride he has in it 当我读到今天主日经文的第一篇(摘自依5 : 1 ~ 7 ) ,就想到郭登的葡萄园,以及因著他悉心的栽培而该有的荣耀。
Before using this guide to implement your high availability strategy , you should first read planning an exchange server 2003 messaging system 使用此手册实作高可用性策略之前,您应该先阅读规划exchange server 2003邮件系统。
T : first read the article quickly in four minutes . please circle the new words . answer the questions in order to get the general idea 然后给出指令,找出本文的大意是什么,让学生圈出生词,并展示出答案时间限定在三到四分钟内。
The final scene shows two versions of the next day ' s dailyexpress : the headline on the first reads “ world saved ” ; the other , “ worlddoomed ” 最后的镜头展现了两个版本的《每日快报》 :一个版本的标题是: “世界获救” ,另一个是“世界毁灭” 。
Before recommending a book to your child , first read it . show warmth and sincerity in your guidance and disclose a little of the content to him to spark his interest 向孩子推荐书籍时,自己要先看一遍,引导时态度也要热诚,甚至可以透露少许内容来吸引孩子。
It has to be given three readings for its passage by the council . the first reading is a formality , with the clerk reading the short title of a bill at a council meeting 进行首读时,立法会秘书会在立法会会议席上宣读法案的简称,这是法案提交立法会的正式程序。
We recommend first reading through the scenario descriptions to find the scenario that best matches your application requirements , and then clicking the link for more information 我们建议您先要通读方案描述,找出与应用程序要求最匹配的方案,然后单击链接查看详细信息。
For important information on deployment , including sr - 1 white papers and a detailed list of product updates in sp - 2 , organizations and network administrators should first read 有关部署的重要信息,包括sr - 1白皮书和sp - 2中产品更新的详细列表,机构和网络管理员应首先阅读:
Usually , within about two or three weeks after the endorsement of the executive council , the bill will be published in the gazette and introduced into the legislative council for its first reading 行政会议通过法案的两个或三个星期内,法案便会刊登宪报并提交立法会首读。
Now the most important thing : you first read the explanations ; then you watch the movie . so , when you " re watching the film , you already know the necessary vocabulary 现在重要的事情是:你先学习电影指南;然后观看电影。这样,当你在看电影的时候,你已经知道了所需要的词汇!