
environmental controls中文是什么意思

  • 环境控制防止恶化;保护环境措施



  • 例句与用法
  • Confirm the legality of excavation with the relevant government authorities in charge of environmental control , quarrying and forestry to ensure that the requirements laid down by the environmental protection authorities are complied with
  • Projects on environmental control such as air and water pollution control works , noise mitigation measures , waste water treatment and disposal measures , and asbestos abatement works ( hk $ 137 million )
  • As a breakthrough in ecological / environmental control in china , the compensation system for related farmers in implementing the project of converting cultivated land into forest / grass is bringing enormous ecological / environmental benefits
  • But there are a lot of complexed problems about the environmenteal factors effecting the growth and morphasis of plantlets , so it is urgent to develop environmental control system which adapt to use in plant tissue culture
  • Establishing and improving environmental protection organizations under governments at all levels , forming a rather complete environmental control system , and bringing into full play the governments ' role in environmental supervision and administration
  • Abstract : as lanzhou construction areas extend towards gaolan mountains , baita mountains and the valley regions , the problem of environmental control for the made fill & excavation reconstruction project sites becomes more and more obvious
  • The space agency plans to save $ 344m ( ? 198m ) next year by halting research aboard the international space station into the effects of space radiation on humans , the design of life support systems , and advanced environmental controls
  • To keep pace with customer expectations and to address global concerns on environment and labour rights , kingmaker has enhanced both its production facilities and working environment . new environmental control facilities have also been installed
  • The framework of ce greenhouse is usually built with rust - proof iron bars and sealed with materials such as polyethylene film or polycarbonate sheet . a ce greenhouse is usually equipped with automatic environmental control system and irrigation system
  • The new sensitive materials deposited on laps with electron beam thermal evaporation meet the requirements for fabricating miniaturised sensor devices and can be employed in environmental control such as detection of heavy metal ions
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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environmental controls的中文翻译,environmental controls是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译environmental controls,environmental controls的中文意思,environmental controls的中文environmental controls in Chineseenvironmental controls的中文environmental controls怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
