enthronest vt. ; 使(国王)登位,使登王位,使登基,使即位,使加冕: ; The King was enthroned in the church. ; 国王在教堂里加冕。 ; 使(主教等) 登位 ; 使居于最高地位,授予…最高权力,授予君权 (或主教权等),立…为国王,任命…为主教: ; to enthrone Edward ; 立爱德华为国王 ; 推崇,尊崇,崇拜 (in): ; a ruler enthroned in the hearts of his subjects ; 受臣民尊崇的君主[亦作 inthrone,enthronize] ; 变形: ; vt. ; enthroned ; . enthroning
enthroner vt. ; 使(国王)登位,使登王位,使登基,使即位,使加冕: ; The King was enthroned in the church. ; 国王在教堂里加冕。 ; 使(主教等) 登位 ; 使居于最高地位,授予…最高权力,授予君权 (或主教权等),立…为国王,任命…为主教: ; to enthrone Edward ; 立爱德华为国王 ; 推崇,尊崇,崇拜 (in): ; a ruler enthroned in the hearts of his subjects ; 受臣民尊崇的君主[亦作 inthrone,enthronize] ; 变形: ; vt. ; enthroned ; . enthroning
enthrill enthrill (third-person singular simple present enthrills, present participle enthrilling, simple past and past participle enthrilled) ; (transitive) To pierce; penetrate; run through; stab. ; (transitive) To cause to thrill. ; (transitive, sex) To copulate; have sexual intercourse. ;
When he was nine, his eminence was enthroned at his monastery, palme gonpa . during the enthronement ceremony, many representatives of different monasteries participated, including the king of nangchen . all the abbots, monks and local people celebrated joyously for many days 九岁时,囊钦王子恰美仁波切以及巴麦钦哲为主等硕彦多人,带领其父母及僧俗百千万人盛大迎请,举行浩大升座大典。
Madame defarge, with her arms folded, sat in the morning light and heat, contemplating the wine-shop and the street . in both, there were several knots of loungers, squalid and miserable, but now with a manifest sense of power enthroned on their distress 德伐日太太双手抄在胸前坐在清晨的光与热里,研究着酒店和街道,酒店里和街道上都有几拨又肮脏又痛苦的闲汉,但在他们的苦难之上现在却高踞着一种明显的权力感。
Has rinpoche considered enthroning urgyen trinley dorje, wearing the black hat, at rumtek monastery in a ceremony attended by their holinesses, rinpoches and khenpos invited from the various schools of the vajrayana tradition in order to obtain their recognition ? is there such a plan 请问仁波切有没有考虑给过乌金听列多杰在隆德寺升座,戴上黑宝冠,也请藏传各派法王大堪布大仁波切来认证,请问有没有这种计划呢?
Above the range of loaded plates she sat enthroned in all the opulence which a hotelkeeper enjoys after forty years of activity, and as she sat there she swayed her bloated following of large women, in comparison with the biggest of whom she seemed monstrous 她高高地坐在柜台后边,下面是一盆盆满满的菜肴,她俯视着一群肥胖的女顾客,她比那些最胖的女人还要肥胖,她坐在女掌柜的宝座上,这个宝座是她四十年苦心经营的结晶。
The legalists advocate “ rule by law " in chinese ancient times . " the law " enthroned by legalists was considered political criterion which established by the monarch, and it is used for " defining right " and " establishing fair " . " the law " contains two aspects, one is punishment, and another is reward 法家是我国古代非常重视“法”,主张以“法”为主要为政、治国方式的一个学派,法家的“法”是国君为国政设立的规矩,其用来“定分”、“立公”;法家的“法”的实施包括两个方面,一是刑,二是赏。
When wordsworth was enthroned they carried pocket copies; and when shelley was belittled they allowed him to grow dusty on their shelves . when correggio s holy families were admired, they admired correggio s holy families; when he was decried in favour of velasquez, they sedulously followed suit without any personal objection 当有人称赞柯累佐的画神圣家庭的时候,他们也称赞柯累佐的画神圣家庭当有人诋毁柯累佐而赞扬维拉奎的时候,他们也紧跟在后面人云亦云,从来没有自己的不同意见。