New years eve dinner buffet in eaton hotel coffee shop for two hk 616 . 00 new year is coming around . to celebrate , coffee shop of eaton hotel has prepared for you a romantic new years eve candle - light dinner buffet for two , with tempting delicacies such as baked lobster with butter , ostrich skewer with herbal sauce , roasted us sirlion steak , stewed carfield crab with sakeand lots more 逸东酒店咖啡阁除夕夜二人自助晚餐价值: hk 616 . 00 :新年将至,逸东酒店咖啡阁于除夕夜为您准备了丰富的二人自助晚餐,美食包括牛油?虾香草串烧鸵鸟肉烧美国西冷牛扒清酒煮加菲蟹等,让您与挚爱共度佳节。
Superior swallows nest and buddhist surprise set menu for two in yat tung heen hk 589 . 60 yat tung heen of eaton hotel offers you the superior swallows nest and buddhist surprise set menu for two with deluxe ingredients , include double - boiled buddhist surprise in clear soup , combination of shredded snake with assorted meat and marinated pork knuckle in far tiao wine , fillet of lamb rolls wrapped with golden mushrooms in gray sauce , sauteed rib eye of ostrich and vision shoulder with preserved sauce , poached seasonal vegetables in snake juice , fried glutinous rice with preserved meat and double - boiled swallows nest with coconut juice 逸东酒店逸东轩为您呈献燕窝佛跳墙野味二人套餐,菜式包括古法清汤炖佛跳墙花雕醉野猪手拼七彩炒蛇丝烧汁金菇羊仔卷怪味酱爆鸳鸯柳蛇汁浸时蔬生炒腊味糯米饭,以及椰汁海底椰炖燕窝,用料名贵,让您大快朵颐。现特设拍卖起价为10 。