New infrastructure should aim at providing direct link to reduce the through traffic via congested corridors 新基建设施应以提供直接接驳工具为本,绕过交通挤塞的通道。
So we had to pile it up . the room seemed quite congested, yet we would not have to move anymore 一个副经理一边给我们道歉,一边说这事本来简单,倒让司机和队长弄复杂了。
Construction technology of congested long piles for terminal section works of shanghai pudong international airport phase project 上海浦东国际机场二期航站区密集长桩施工技术
"it's the same as in congested places for humans that there's then greater risk of passing on colds or influenza "这种情形犹如人群拥挤的地方传染感冒或流感的危险性更大一样。
The drawback is that fhss is relatively slow, and in congested cities with a lot of radio traffic, range can be reduced 其缺点是较慢,在有大量无线电流量的拥挤城市中,传输距离有限。
Meanwhile, the erotic, violent picture and congest the web, in which gave the negative influence to callans . 同时,黄色暴力的图片或文字也遍布互联网。这对于青少年有着不良的影响。”
Clinical study on type of phlem-heat-stasis congesting lungs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated by tanchuanxiao capsule 痰喘消胶囊治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病痰热瘀阻证的临床观察
The world is a place of uncertainty in that uncertain information and knowledge is congested everywhere 真实的物理世界是不确定的世界,不确定性信息和知识在人们工作、生活等各方面随处可见。
At the same time, a growing number of big cities are moving to institute curbs on automobile use in congested urban centers 与此同时,越来越多的大城市也开始在拥堵的城市中心地区限制汽车的使用。
3 the bus station in the middle of the town is badly congested with terminating buses . suggest a quick way of solving the problem 市区中部的公交站被相继到站的巴士所拥堵,请提出一个解决的办法。