Several of the protected operations for which the . net framework provides permissions can potentially allow the security system to be circumvented .netframework为其提供权限的多个受保护操作可能会允许规避安全系统。
Despite attempts to circumvent icac investigation and despite sneaking out of hong kong, he could not escape the long arm of the law 罪行被揭发后,他更利用自己的法律知识,设置重重关卡,阻碍廉署调查,并弃保潜逃。
The technique is effective in circumventing fallopian tube blockages in women as well as a wide range of male and female problems 该技术对于输卵管堵塞的患者非常有效,办法就是将卵子和精子放在一个培养皿中使卵子受精。
David mertz believes that most xml writers have only explained apis; his point is to change them or at least circumvent them davidmertz相信大多数xml作者仅仅只是解释了api;他的目的是改变这一点(或至少避开这一点)。
Be careful though, as soon as the ai gets ships it will start circumventing the chokepoints, so you still have to hurry to build there 还是要小心,一旦ai造出了船,他还是会绕过你的堵塞,所以你还是要快点占领那些地方建城。
Such problems could be circumvented, but required a bit more knowledge of customizing emacs than the average font designer was likely to display 这些问题都可以解决,但对定制的emacs,需要具备比一般字体设计人员更多的了解。
It prohibits the manufacture and distribution of devices of the primary purpose of which is to circumvent the electronic " locks " protecting copyrighted material online 它禁止了生产和销售那些意图解开保护在线版权“锁”的设备
Of course, he had his orders which i could have circumvented since i had a key, but i was afraid of an embarrassing scene and went away 当然,既然我有钥匙,我可以不理睬这个不让我进去的禁令,但是我怕闹出笑话来,于是我就走了。
To circumvent its pervasive effects, they invested heavily to open up subsidiaries to locally produce what those highly protected markets could not 为了克服这个效应,他们大量投资设立子公司,并生产在严格保护市场中所无法进口的产品。
The ejb 2.0 specification makes it clear that calling a custom finder method cannot be circumvented since there may be essential logic hidden within 这一点很关键。ejb2.0规范明确指出必须调用自定义查找程序,因为可能有关键逻辑隐藏其中。