

  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • The number of females who reported that they had binge drinking twice during the last month was 4
    报称在过去一个月内有试过两次暴饮的女性人数是4 。
  • I am really sorry ; i can ' t go on a binge with you tonight ; you know , i am stone broke
  • The number of females who reported that they had binge drinking twice during the last month was 13
    报称在过去一个月内有试过两次暴饮的女性人数13 。
  • The number of males who reported that they had binge drinking twice during the last month was 32
    报称在过去一个月内有试过两次暴饮的男性人数是32 。
  • The number of males who reported that they had binge drinking twice during the last month was 43
    报称在过去一个月内有试过两次暴饮的男性人数是43 。
  • The number of females who reported that they had binge drinking once during the last month was 15
    报称在过去一个月内有试过一次暴饮的女性人数是15 。
  • The number of females who reported that they had binge drinking once during the last month was 11
    报称在过去一个月内有试过一次暴饮的女性人数是11 。
  • The number of females who reported that they had binge drinking once during the last month was 17
    报称在过去一个月内有试过一次暴饮的女性人数是17 。
  • The number of females who reported that they had no binge drinking during the last month was 1 067
    报称在过去一个月内没有试过暴饮的女性人数是1 067 。
  • The number of females who reported that they had no binge drinking during the last month was 1 078
    报称在过去一个月内没有试过暴饮的女性人数是1 078 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • 其他语种释义
  • bingeとは意味:1binge n. 《口語》 浮かれ騒ぎ, 大騒ぎのパーティー; 気ままな行動, 羽を伸ばすこと. 【動詞+】 ◆have a binge どんちゃん騒ぎをする ◆sleep off a Saturday-night binge 眠って土曜の夜のどんちゃん騒ぎから頭をさます. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆The borrowing binge drove up interest rates. (銀行から...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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