
tracker fund中文是什么意思

  • 盈富基金
  • 追踪基金



  • 例句与用法
  • Mr chan has played a key part in many of the initiatives and policies undertaken by the hkma , including the development and introduction of real - time gross settlement , the market intervention in 1998 and the subsequent disposal programme through the tracker fund , and the introduction of renminbi banking services
  • During the board meeting , the directors reviewed the operation of the tap facility for the tracker fund of hong kong which had proved to be very successful . as at today , the exchange fund had already disposed of a total of hk 60 billion worth of shares via the tracker fund including approximately hk 27 billion through the tap facility
  • Exchange fund investment limited announced today 13 november 2000 that the first tranche of loyalty bonus units in the tracker fund of hong kong " trahk " have been allocated to 131 , 110 unitholders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loyalty bonus scheme set out in the prospectus for trahk dated 25 october 1999
    外汇基金投资有限公司今日2000年11月13日宣布,第一批盈富基金特别红股基金单位已按照盈富基金发售说明书1999年10月25日印发所载特别红股计划的条款与条件分配予131 , 110名基金单位持有人。
  • Exchange fund investment limited announced today monday that the second and final tranche of loyalty bonus units in the tracker fund of hong kong " trahk " have been allocated to 127 , 813 unitholders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loyalty bonus scheme set out in the prospectus for trahk dated 25 october 1999
    外汇基金投资有限公司今日星期一宣布,第二批亦是最后一批的盈富基金特别红股基金单位已按照盈富基金发售说明书1999年10月25日印发所载特别红股计划的条款及条件分配予127 , 813名基金单位持有人。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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tracker fund的中文翻译,tracker fund是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译tracker fund,tracker fund的中文意思,tracker fund的中文tracker fund in Chinesetracker fund的中文tracker fund怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
