
sugar content中文是什么意思

  • 含糖量;糖度
  • 血糖含量



  • 例句与用法
  • C . deserticola differed from h . ammodendron in sugar accumulation and its hexose sucroseseparately accounted of 62 . 45 % and 4 . 98 % of its soluble sugar content thus belonging to the type of hexose accumulation
    肉苁蓉的糖分积累与梭梭不同,己糖含量约占可溶性总糖的62 . 45 % ,而蔗糖仅为可溶性总糖的4 . 98 % ,故肉苁蓉为己糖积累型。
  • Sweetened fruit juices cannot be included in the daily intake of fruits due to the high sugar content while fresh fruit juices without added sugar can be counted only towards the " 2 servings daily consumption " of fruits
  • In the measurement of beet ' s sugar content , the use of alcl3 solution , has less pollution to the environment than the use of pbch3 solution , thus , alcl3 solution is an ideal replacement of pbch3 solution
  • Sweetened fruit juices cannot be included in the daily intake of fruits due to the high sugar content while fresh fruit juices without added sugar can be counted only once towards the " 2 servings daily consumption " of fruits
  • The results show that the grape resources have diversity in shape and average weight of bunch and berry , total sugar content , total acid content , color of skin , firmness of flesh , particular flavor
  • The reducing sugar content in the phloem and xylem of populus pseudo - simonii , p . pseudo - simonii p . nigra , p . simonii p . nigra , p . koreana , 27 and 40 - year - old p . simonii wood was analyzed by 3 , 5 - dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetry
    摘要利用3 , 5 -二硝基水杨酸比色法测定小青杨、小青黑杨、小黑杨、香杨、 27年生和40年生小叶杨韧皮部和木质部的还原糖含量。
  • The results indicated that isoflavones increased with the accumulating of soluable protein , and there was marked positive correlation between them . isoflavones content increased with soluable sugar content in early stage of seed devel
  • The integrated technique measures for high yield , high sugar content , high efficient and low wasting planting sugarcane were summarized by productive practices in yunnan dali autonomous district since 1993
  • Those measures involved that in planting sugarcane , " three unifying " : varieties , planting standard and covering film ; " two emphasis " : fertilizer and water management ; " one key " : reaping cane stein as high sugar content
    新植蔗抓实“三个统一,抓住两个重点,把握一个关键” ,即统一品种、统一种植规格、统一地膜覆盖;抓住肥水管理,培土防倒两个重点;把握快锄低砍,高糖入榨这个关键。
  • The purification effects by the two methods were compared , showing that the yield of arabinogalactan purified by the resin was 68 . 28 % , and the sugar content was 95 . 02 % , while those by polyamide column were 75 . 67 % and 98 . 30 % respectively
    结果表明,经大孔树脂层析柱纯化后的阿拉伯半乳聚糖产品得率为68 . 28 % ,糖含量为95 . 02 % ;经聚酰胺层析柱纯化后的产品得率为75 . 67 % ,糖含量为98 . 30 % 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • sugar contentとは意味:sugar content 糖度 とうど 含糖量 がんとうりょう 含糖 がんとう 糖分 とうぶん
  • 推荐英语阅读
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