
social circumstances中文是什么意思

  • 社会环境



  • 例句与用法
  • The third chapter centers on the internal qas . firstly . the author analyzes the six systematic elements related to learns " study such as web teachers , study collective . curriculum resources , web - based distance education organization , local teaching centers and social circumstances . secondly . the operative mechanism of the system is analyzed from both longitudinal and horizontal aspects . particularly from horizontal aspect does the author divide the systematic activities into two modules interaction among learners & web teachers and learning supportive service . lastly , four major aspects . which are managerial philosophies , technological mode & curriculum resources . web teachers and construction of local teaching centers , have been dealt with to improve the present quality situation of wecs
    先分析了远程教育系统中以学习者为中心的六个要素: web教师,学习集体、课程资源、网络远程教育组织、地区教学中心和社会环境。然后分别从纵向和横向分析了系统运行机制,特别是在横向方面,把系统活动分成互为表里的两大模块:师生教学交互活动和学习支持服务体系。最后从管理活动保障入手,重点论述了与当前网络远程教育质量提高密切相关的四个方面:管理理念、技术模式和课程建设、 web教师和教学点建设。
  • Chapter ii discusses the social and historical background under which information brokering bloomed and developed , with an attempt to illustrate its originating and developing social circumstances as being a new - born energetic industry , in addition to the phases and forms in the process . meanwhile , it discusses the effect on its own future development
  • Their philosophy is all about paradox , collage , and non - linear way of thinking . like jelly , they blend everything softly and seamlessly , their life path reflects the interplay of the personal and the social . in a economy - oriented age , this generation of artists express their basic needs , feeling and thoughts in an appealing way . like a piece of shiny jelly out of its container , their life becomes infantized under unique social circumstances
  • So it is important to research how to manage the risk of consumption credit of commercial bank in our country . the construction of this paper as follows : chapter 1 , general introduction of consumption credit and its current situation in our country ; chapter 2 , analyze the type of the risks and the current risk situation in our country ; chapter 3 , analyze the reason of causing the consumption credit risk ; chapter 4 and chapter 5 , put forward the main thinking of manage the consumption credit risk , including standardize the internal management of commercial bank and establish a better social circumstance
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