

音标:[ si'niliti ]   发音:
  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • Along with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and the trend of population senility worldwide , the mechanism of insulin hyposecretion and insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes has become the focus of world
  • It is said that in the country lies a mountain known as yuanyau , on which an immortal tree grows . by ingesting its fruits , you can achieve immortality . there is also a spring known as the crimson spring , and its water can save you from senility
  • It is said that in the country lies a mountain known as yuanyau , on which an immortal tree grows . by ingesting its fruits , you can achieve immortality . there is also a spring known as the crimson spring , and its water can save you from senility
  • If these other people are not aware that the hearing loss is the primary cause of these aberrant behaviors , then they will attribute these strange responses to other reasons , such as senility , aloofness , ignorance , or mental illness
  • Because of the senility of cell function in old people , nerve cells concerning learning and memory also happen relative changes , which lead to decline in ability of learning and memory for old people in normal physiological scope
  • The tea contains [ url = http : / / dict . hjenglish . com / w / antioxidant ] [ color = # 0000ff ] antioxidants [ / color ] [ / url ] and other healthful components shown in clinical studies to possibly prevent cancer , heart disease , senility and other diseases associated with aging
  • Senile dementia is a disease caused by degeneration of the brain cells . it s different from normal senility in the elderly . the patient s brain function will gradually deteriorate resulting in progressive loss of memory and mental abilities , and noticeable personality changes
  • It owns efficacy to inhibit thrombosis , prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction , reduce blood lipoid and blood pressure , inhibit hemorrhagic apoplexy , inhibit the occurrence and metastasis of cancer , increase intelligence , protect eyesight and prevent premature senility
  • The calcium products , a variety of elements nitrogen , which is necessary for some nutrients seedling growth can induce root growth seedling vigor , flower , bao lei , 4 . 2 peach , rapid calcium , nitrogen and other trace elements that can prevent root blight , fusarium wilt , leaf , blight of rot . weak seedling bud abortion , a potent rotten peach can enhance seedling drought and frost - proof , anti premature senility , anti - std calciprivia plant capacity promotion developed root seedlings seedlings healthy and steady early , squaring focus block chu high boll early , rapid expansion of peach , peach increased weight gain . , 1999 chang , the color white lint high , up to 25 to 35 % yield
    本产品含钙、氮多种元素,是棉苗生长所必需有的养份,能促使棉苗根部生长旺盛,保花、保蕾、膨桃,能快速补钙、氮等微量元素,可预防根枯病、枯萎病、小叶病、立枯病,对烂根、弱苗、花蕾败育,烂桃有特效,能提高棉苗抗旱、防冻、抗早衰、抗植物缺钙性病能力,促进根系发达、苗壮苗健、稳长早发、现蕾集中、座铃率高、成铃早、膨桃快、桃增大增重、吐絮畅、色泽白、衣分高,增产可达25 - 35 % 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • the state of being senile

  • mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
    同义词:dotage, second childhood,

  • 其他语种释义
  • senilityとは意味:senility n. もうろく, ぼけ. 【+動詞】 ◆It must be horrible to see senility approaching. ぼけが近づいてくるのを見るのはきっとこわいだろう ◆My senility is increasing . 私のぼけはひどくなってきている ◆be overcome by senility ぼけに襲われる. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆advanci...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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