Along with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and the trend of population senility worldwide , the mechanism of insulin hyposecretion and insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes has become the focus of world 摘要随着世界范围内2型糖尿病的流行与人口老龄化,以胰岛素分泌不足和伴胰岛素抵抗为主要致病机制的2型糖尿病已成为国内外研究热点。
It is said that in the country lies a mountain known as yuanyau , on which an immortal tree grows . by ingesting its fruits , you can achieve immortality . there is also a spring known as the crimson spring , and its water can save you from senility 并闻:国中有座员邱山,山上有颗不死树,食之可以长生国中又有赤泉,其水甚红,饮之亦可不老。
It is said that in the country lies a mountain known as yuanyau , on which an immortal tree grows . by ingesting its fruits , you can achieve immortality . there is also a spring known as the crimson spring , and its water can save you from senility 并闻:国中有座员邱山,山上有颗不死树,食之可以长生;国中又有赤泉,其水甚红,饮之亦可不老。
If these other people are not aware that the hearing loss is the primary cause of these aberrant behaviors , then they will attribute these strange responses to other reasons , such as senility , aloofness , ignorance , or mental illness 如果旁人不知道听力损失是导致这些失常行为的根本原因,他们就会把这些奇怪的反应归咎于其它原因,如:衰老、冷漠、无知或精神病。
Because of the senility of cell function in old people , nerve cells concerning learning and memory also happen relative changes , which lead to decline in ability of learning and memory for old people in normal physiological scope 老年人由于细胞功能的衰老与学习记忆相关的功能区神经细胞也发生相应的变化,导致老年人出现正常生理范围内的学习记忆能力的部分减退。
The tea contains [ url = http : / / dict . hjenglish . com / w / antioxidant ] [ color = # 0000ff ] antioxidants [ / color ] [ / url ] and other healthful components shown in clinical studies to possibly prevent cancer , heart disease , senility and other diseases associated with aging 根据临床研究表明茶叶内含有抗氧化剂和其它有益成分,可能可以预防癌症、心脏病、衰老和其它与年龄增长有关的疾病。
Senile dementia is a disease caused by degeneration of the brain cells . it s different from normal senility in the elderly . the patient s brain function will gradually deteriorate resulting in progressive loss of memory and mental abilities , and noticeable personality changes 老年痴呆症是一种脑细胞退化疾病,有别于正常的衰老过程,患者的脑功能会逐渐衰退,而变得日益健忘,智力退化,性格也会有所改变。
It owns efficacy to inhibit thrombosis , prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction , reduce blood lipoid and blood pressure , inhibit hemorrhagic apoplexy , inhibit the occurrence and metastasis of cancer , increase intelligence , protect eyesight and prevent premature senility 它能够有效地抑制血栓性病症,预防心肌梗塞和脑梗塞,降低血脂、降低血压,抑制出血性中风,抑制癌症的发生和转移,具有增长智力、保护视力、延缓衰老等功效。
The calcium products , a variety of elements nitrogen , which is necessary for some nutrients seedling growth can induce root growth seedling vigor , flower , bao lei , 4 . 2 peach , rapid calcium , nitrogen and other trace elements that can prevent root blight , fusarium wilt , leaf , blight of rot . weak seedling bud abortion , a potent rotten peach can enhance seedling drought and frost - proof , anti premature senility , anti - std calciprivia plant capacity promotion developed root seedlings seedlings healthy and steady early , squaring focus block chu high boll early , rapid expansion of peach , peach increased weight gain . , 1999 chang , the color white lint high , up to 25 to 35 % yield 本产品含钙、氮多种元素,是棉苗生长所必需有的养份,能促使棉苗根部生长旺盛,保花、保蕾、膨桃,能快速补钙、氮等微量元素,可预防根枯病、枯萎病、小叶病、立枯病,对烂根、弱苗、花蕾败育,烂桃有特效,能提高棉苗抗旱、防冻、抗早衰、抗植物缺钙性病能力,促进根系发达、苗壮苗健、稳长早发、现蕾集中、座铃率高、成铃早、膨桃快、桃增大增重、吐絮畅、色泽白、衣分高,增产可达25 - 35 % 。
mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations 同义词:dotage, second childhood,
senilityとは意味:senility n. もうろく, ぼけ. 【+動詞】 ◆It must be horrible to see senility approaching. ぼけが近づいてくるのを見るのはきっとこわいだろう ◆My senility is increasing . 私のぼけはひどくなってきている ◆be overcome by senility ぼけに襲われる. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆advanci...