

音标:[ 'ri:'stɔk ]   发音:
  • vt.



  • 例句与用法
  • Satisfaction guarantee . 30 day inspection period . buyer will pay for shipping and 10 % restocking fee . refund will be made upon receipt and inspection of returned product
    30日?赏期,若不满意,请在30日之内与我联络并将物品寄回。运费及10 %手续费由买家负担,我收到退回来的物品后,再退钱给你。
  • Some european stores are testing tiny radio transmitters on their goods . the wireless devices can tell if a product is nearing its expiration date or needs to be restocked
  • A stochastic scheduling model of a batch processing machine is presented , which is motivated by retailing enterprises ( supermarkets , department stores and warehouse stores , etc . ) stocking or restocking
  • He said the government was pursuing various management measures , including the artificial reef programme and restocking of fish fingerlings , to conserve fisheries resources and establish sustainable fisheries
  • " the programme is to assess the suitability of adopting restocking as a marine conservation and fisheries enhancement measure , " said afcd senior fisheries officer ( fisheries management ) dr leung siu - fai
  • With china consuming about 130 , 000 tonnes of pork a day , 30 , 000 tonnes will have little impact in any case . anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast
    中国每天的猪肉消费量约为13万吨,因此无论怎么看, 3万吨储备所能产生的影响将非常有限。来自农民的坊间证据也表明,重建猪肉库存不会那么快。
  • The manufacturing sector has been powering ahead in recent months , helped by efforts to restock lean inventories and a desire on the part of many companies to purchase new equipment to expand and modernize
  • " restocking of fish fingerlings for the purpose of enhancing and restoring fisheries resources has been practiced in many parts of the world . it is also a fisheries management measure most acceptable to fishermen , " dr leung added
  • We have our own entity shop , flowers are restocking directly from kunming , yunnan , the absolute guarantee that the catchment flowers fresh , not fresh flowers we will not send out the additional price is fair
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • stock again; "He restocked his land with pheasants"

  • 其他语种释义
  • restockとは意味:{他動} : (返品された商品を)在庫に戻す、仕入れ直す、新たに仕入れる、補充する Listen, I've got to restock that bar out there, so I'll get out to the kitchen. A successful iguana farm could supply meat and eggs to the local people and re...
  • 推荐英语阅读
restock的中文翻译,restock是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译restock,restock的中文意思,restock的中文restock in Chineserestock的中文restock怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
