
pe file中文是什么意思

  • 可移植可执行文件



  • 例句与用法
  • The dialog gives you the option to install and run the pe file even though an authenticode signature could not be found
  • For an assembly with one associated file , the manifest is incorporated into the pe file to form a single - file assembly
  • You can also use this technique to produce a single pe file from several pe files originally generated by different compilers
  • Because native images are windows pe files , they are subject to the same rebasing issues as other executable files
    因为本机映像为windows pe文件,所以它们和其他可执行文件一样有着相同的重定基址问题。
  • The compiler inserts the public key into the assembly manifest and reserves space in the pe file for the full strong name signature
  • This method is used in edit and continue scenarios as a way to update the symbol store to match deltas to the original pe file
  • An encryption algorithm for pe file , the critical file of windows system , based on fingerprint data is studied
    最后,对windows系统中重要的pe ( portableexecutable )文件的加密提出了一种基于指纹水印数据的加密方案。
  • Currently , you cannot use this technique with pe files that contain embedded native code for example , pe files produced by visual c
    目前,无法对包含嵌入的本机代码的pe文件(例如,由visual c + +生成的pe文件)使用此技术。
  • The runtime uses this information to identify the file as a pe file and to determine where execution starts when loading the program into memory
  • If you define a method in c and compile it into a pe file , the following metadata token might exist in the msil portion of the pe file
    如果您用c #定义一个方法并将其编译到pe文件,下面的元数据标记可能存在于pe文件的msil部分:
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
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