Mother of pearl is the iridescent substance lines the shells of some fresh - water and some salt - water mollusks 珍珠母是珍珠贝壳内的一层珍珠质,通常用来制作装饰品。
A lid or flap covering an aperture , such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks 鳃盖覆盖在一孔或缝隙上的盖,如一些鱼类的鳃或覆盖在蛇或其它软体动物身上的角质壳
The area is also rich in other marine flora and fauna including fish more than 22 species , shrimps , crabs , mantis shrimp , cephalopods and other mollusks 拥有丰硕的海洋动植物,包括逾22种鱼类虾蟹虾蛄头足动物及其他软体动物。
They can be found anywhere mollusks are found but most gem quality pearls are harvested in ceylon , scotland , norway , and the persian gulf 珍珠母贝是雌雄同体的,这意味着它们可以在需要的时候改变性别,白蝶贝可以是6至8年的雄性,然后变为雌性。
The pearl begins when the mollusk secretes a lustrous substance , called nacre , that coats the irritant and protects the soft internal surface of the mollusk 得天独厚的自然条件,配合来自珍珠养殖业的翘楚日本的高超技术,是澳洲南洋珍珠高品质的保证。
Despite its fearsome appearance and 8 - inch ( 20 - centimeter ) claws , it wasn ' t necessarily a meat - chasing predator . experts suggest mollusks , seeds , and dinosaur eggs as possible alternatives for its menu 有着恐怖的外表和八英寸(二十厘米)长的爪子,却不是肉食恐龙,专家们认为软体动物,种子和恐龙蛋可能是它的主食
A smooth , lustrous , variously colored deposit , chiefly calcium carbonate , formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem 珍珠在几种软体动物的贝壳中,围绕着一粒沙子或其他外来物质形成的一种光滑、有色泽、具有不同颜色且主要是碳酸钙的沉积物,被珍视为宝石
Pearl color can vary in shades of white , brown , silver , cream , black or pink depending on the type of mollusk and the water where the mollusk lived . natural pearls are very rare and quite expensive 更值得一提的是,澳洲南洋珍珠的美丽光泽是天然的,不必象其它珍珠那样依赖于漂白染色的人为加工,所以也没有因漂白剂变质而“人老珠黄”之虞。
Based on the study of bio - accumulation of heavy metals in water environment , the paper summarizes the accumulation rule and research status of heavy metals in aquatic organisms ( including fish , mollusk and shellfish ) 摘要本文综述了水环境中重金属在水生生物体内(包括鱼类的鳃、软体动物及贝类的肾、肝和肌肉等组织器官)蓄积研究现状及蓄积规律。
Nacre is one of the general construction units of mollusk shells , thoroughly studying on it can provide insight not only into the pearl - culture , but also into fabrication of advanced organic - inorganic composite materials 珍珠层是软体动物硬壳中普遍发育的一种结构单元,对其进行深入研究可为人工培育珍珠及制造现代有机-无机复合材料提供科学依据。