
military science中文是什么意思

  • 兵法
  • 军事科学
  • 军事学



  • 例句与用法
  • Administrative department can be looked as an army , which reach their goals as well as the army reach their victory . so military science ( militant management ) can be used in those departments . all the man ’ s activities are including organizing , with goals and consciousness
  • Therefore , among the ancient experience and theories of kinds of social managements , the military science is the best one with the richest contents , with the common meaning in theories and practices , which can be promoted to the high of history philosophy and history dialectic including philosophic meanings and could be succeeded and evaluated by the management nowadays
  • In the angle of economics , this paper firstly analyzes the present flow situation and main problems in existence of our military science and technology human resource , and then analyzes flow and equilibrium of supply and demand from three aspects of the quantity 、 structural and behavior ; systematically describes individual decision and unit decision of military science and technology human resource on the angle of cost and profit , reaches the conclusion that in the flowing process , we should strengthen individual ’ s autonomous right properly , establish “ the leading type of armed forces ” human resource disposition mechanism ; in succession this paper has not only put forward the basic standard of the reasonable flow of the military science and technology human resource ? the effectiveness of combat , but also explained it carefully from flow quantity , flow direction and structure , established optimum floating rate ; finally , having based on the conclusion , the paper puts forward four mechanisms ? fetching in person and brains , inner flow , encouragement restraint and reserving brains in outflow mechanisms that promote our military science and technology human resource to flow reasonably
  • As a kind of theory studying how to get optimal strategies by using precise mathematics methods under conflicts and rivalry circumstances , it had great application values and has been widely used in fields of military science , sociology , biological evolution , etc . but there are no other subjects like economics depending on it so greatly , we even can say it " s hard to separate them form each other
  • And above on this , to strengthen the example effects of these main industries and the industrial chains . second , to pace up the transferring from military industry to public industry , fully exploit mianyang ’ s local advantages in sciences and its talents , also its technology and equipments advantages from state - level individual institutes and military organizations . to shift the military science - tech results to industrial advantages , rapidly materialize hi - tech research achievements , organize an industrial groups which guided by main industries step by step
  • Faced with increasing crisis of foreign aggression , jiang bai - ii catched the theme of the epoch , saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival , he formed his military thinking under the chinese conditions , contributing to the development of modern military science , the building up of national defence and the victory of the anti - japanese war
  • The flow of military science and technology human resource not directly influences military science and technology individuals ’ enthusiasm , but also plays an important role in raising our army ’ s science and technology level , optimizing military science and technology human resource ’ s collocation , and accordingly promoting our army ’ s battle effectiveness
  • Military science , seeing in history an immense number of examples in which the mass of an army does not correspond with its force , and in which small numbers conquer large ones , vaguely recognises the existence of this unknown factor , and tries to find it sometimes in some geometrical disposition of the troops , sometimes in the superiority of weapons , and most often in the genius of the leaders
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • the discipline dealing with the principles of warfare

  • 百科解释
Military science is the theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy. Military science serves to identify the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, technological, and tactical elements necessary to sustain relative advantage of military force; and to increase the likelihood and favorable outcomes of victory in peace or during a war.
  • 其他语种释义
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