
life skills中文是什么意思

  • 生活技能



  • 例句与用法
  • Communication skills : english communication and putonghua , japanese or korean , life skills , customer support , installation and service , business environment and customer relations , china studies , general and information technology studies
  • Chick excited to play in the back , hen of deep love to watch their baby , teach them life skills , and above flowers on the two magpie also called cha cha chirp incessantly , full lines peach killings , it ran flow love pleasant
  • We also spend $ 2 . 6 billion annually on comprehensive support and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities . these services include basic life skills training , home care , day and residential services , and transportation services
  • It takes into account the particular needs of students in each stage of their development , in accord with their individual social , cultural and gender characteristics , and is based on positive values known to strengthen their personal , family and community life skills and abilities
  • Regarding personal hygiene , we emphasised training of skills in personal care and advocated learning and cultivating of independent basic life skills such as childcare and teeth protection workshops , training in bathing etc , which enable students to learn how to live an independent living
  • The two - year project was funded by the community chest and provided a comprehensive and one - stop service comprising detoxification program , life skill training and health talks . in order to have a better understanding of their needs and problems , we conducted a survey and found that many substance - abusive women had misconception about the consequences of drug abuse on their pregnancy
  • This also includes incorporation of a " gender approach " into the study content area ; curriculum design , with innovative and comprehensive school health education content and methods , and especially the learning of life skills ; training of teachers and other health and education sector personnel ; production and dissemination of educational materials ; and the development and delivery of health services and school feeding programmes
  • To help produce all round graduates , we equip our students with sound disciplinary knowledge and broad generic skills for employment and life - long learning , and we foster in them personal management and teamwork skills by integrating key skills and life skills programmes into our courses . the implementation of a comprehensive workplace attachment programme for students of all disciplines will be a key programme area in the ive in 2005
  • Students defined it as developing awareness of the world , thinking for yourself , being part of the community , finding ways to help or change things for the better and learning responsibilities and life skills . bernadette joslin , lsda s project manager for the programme , comments : this report is timely , given the burgeoning interest in citizenship education and the scanty knowledge of politics displayed by recent polls of young people
    学生将其定义为“处于不断发展中的对世界的认知” , “进行有关自身的思考” , “成为社会的组成部分” , “寻找一种能够对事件的发展起到帮助作用并使之变得更好的方法” , “学会承担责任以及生活的技巧” 。
  • These contents , however , are crucial in equipping students with comprehensive life skills to ensure safety , access reliable health information services products , and develop healthy self and life concepts etc . promotions in these areas and accompanied trainings therefore become important
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  • 百科解释
Life skills are behaviors used appropriately and responsibly in the management of personal affairs. They are a set of human skills acquired via teaching or direct experience that are used to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human life.
  • 其他语种释义
  • life skillsとは意味:生活技能{せいかつ ぎのう}、ライフスキル◆日常生活における多種多様な問題や要求に、建設的かつ効果的に対応する際に必要とされる能力
  • 推荐英语阅读
life skills的中文翻译,life skills是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译life skills,life skills的中文意思,life skills的中文life skills in Chineselife skills的中文life skills怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
