And so on july 26 , 1908 , he ordered the creation of a " regular force of special agents " to conduct investigations for the department of justice and the executive branch 1908年7月26日,波拿帕特下令创建一支常设性特工队伍来承担联邦司法系统和联邦行政系统所交办的案件侦查任务。
Your close friends can influence your weight even more than genes or your family members , according to new research appearing in the july 26 issue of the new england journal of medicine 7月26日出版的《新英格兰医学杂志》认为,肥胖不仅仅在越来越多,更可怕的是,它会像感冒一样。
A swiss delegation headed by mr . adolf ogi , former president of switzerland , visited huangshan from july 26 to 29 for the return signing ceremony and partnership visit 而由瑞士前总统阿道夫-奥吉先生率领的瑞士代表团于2002年7月26日至7月29日对黄山进行了包括签字仪式在内的一系列回访活动。
According to the moh , as of noon july 26 , the total number of people affected was 117 . five of the reports were laboratory confirmed cases . among the patients , 24 died and five were discharged 根据?生部资料,直至七月二十六日中午,共有117人发病,其中五宗报告为化验室确诊个案,有24名病人死亡,五人已出院。
Friday , july 26 , 2002 an inter - departmental red tide working group reported today ( july 26 ) two red tide sightings within hong kong waters to keep the public informed of the latest monitoring situation 政府跨部门红潮工作小组今日(七月二十六日)公布两宗在本港水域发现的红潮报告,令市民了解监测红潮工作的进展。
The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health has been updated by the ministry of health ( moh ) this ( july 26 ) evening about the latest situation concerning cases of streptococcus suis infection in sichuan ?生署?生防护中心今(七月二十六日)晚接获?生部通告四川猪链球菌感染个案的最新情况。
The overwhelming evidence of mayan prophecy in the last decade of the millennia supports the accuracy of the calendar and the arguelles ' interpretation of the dreamspell and time shift of july 26 , 1992 上一个千禧年里的最后十年,玛雅预言压倒性的证据支持了历法的精确性以及阿格勒斯在1992年6月26日对梦语和时间移动的解释。