A suit of armor imbued with this property never tarnishes and is immune to acid damage and rusting effects 一套带有这种属性的铠甲永远不会失去光泽,并且免疫酸腐伤害和锈蚀效果。
After initiation, we learn more about respecting life, and naturally we imbue the children with this concept 印心后,我们比较懂得如何尊重生命,自然地也会将这个理念灌输给孩子们。
Has demonstrated a new form of film narrative language . it is a mainstream production imbued with a new style and postmodern flavours 酒醉后的阿龙挥著龙头爬上屋顶,跳著惊心动魄的醉龙舞……
In " it is not imbued with superstition color like ancient times yet to quarry jade respect, but have one of department s party spirit 在“采玉方面已不象古代那样富于迷信色彩,而具有科党性一。
imbue the shaman's weapon with fire . each hit has a 20 % chance of causing 55 additional fire damage . lasts for 5 minutes 在自己武器上施法,每次攻击,有20%机会向敌人作出55点额外火系伤害.维持5分钟
The horrors of the nazi period have imbued today's germans with a profound antipathy to war and foreign entanglements 今天的德国人,心头萦绕着对纳粹时期的恐惧,对战争以及与他国纠缠不清极度厌恶。
The horrors of the nazi period have imbued today's germans with a profound antipathy to war and foreign entanglements 纳粹的恐怖记忆让如今的德国人对战争深恶痛绝,也对错综复杂的国际事务心存反感。
imbued in this atmosphere, said poses himself as a subversive intellectual and challenges the prevalent orientalism 这一切使得赛氏以一名颠覆型的知识分子的姿态出现,质疑在西方学界鼎盛的东方学思潮。
How long does it take to reload a musket ? can muskets be imbued ? is there a " hand musket " ( apoligize dont recall real name of it 双手武器是一个技能还是自动对目标进行伤害的修正,技能等级影响修正值吗?