tight adj. 1.坚实的;坚固的,坚牢的,紧的,不松动的。 2.紧密的;密封的,气密的;不漏的。 3.紧张的,绷紧的 (opp. slack, loose)。 4.严格的,严厉的。 5.紧贴的,正合身的(衣服等);装紧的,密集的。 6.麻烦的,棘手的,困难的;危险的。 7.整洁的(少女等)。 8.〔美口〕吝啬的,啬刻的。 9.【商业】供应紧张的。 10.(比赛等)势均力敌的。 11.(文字,作品等)紧凑的,精炼的,排得紧的。 12.〔俚语〕醉醺醺的。 The stopper is too tight that it can't be withdrawn. 瓶塞太紧拔不出来了。 These shoes are painfully tight . 这双鞋紧得难受。 Fill the cases so that they are tight . 把这些匣子装得满满的。 I know you're in a tight place again. 我晓得你又处于困境了。 An armyman must be under tight discipline. 军人应守严格纪律。 Money is tight . 银根紧。 a tight squeeze 紧紧的握手;〔口语〕下不得台的情形;〔美国〕九死一生;难分胜负的战斗。 n. 〔pl.〕 紧身衣。 adv. 紧,紧紧地。 sit tight 坐稳,固执,坚持。 be in a tight place 处境困难[窘迫]。 get tight 〔俚语〕大醉。 keep a tight rein [hand] on 严厉控制,抓紧。 perform on the tight rope 走钢丝。 tight as a mink 〔美国〕喝得烂醉的。 tight corner [spot] 穷境。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
To start the concert , ah mui performed a few of her own famous songs , such as " this is it " , " hold tight the one around " , " drunk in dreams " and etc , then " heart debt " , " which day " , " the 40th night " and jacky cheung ' s " lee hong kam " and etc . all marvelous pieces 在个唱的伊始,梅姐先唱了多首自己的名曲,如是这样的、抱紧眼前人及梦里共醉等,其后又唱了心债、何日、第四十夜及张学友的李香兰等佳作。
Especially , after china ’ s joining the wto , the agriculture of shandong faces more opportunities and more challenges . if we want to hold tight the opportunity , we must put the internationalize standard as guide , concentrate on the producing of green food , and break the international barriers as early as possible 加之我国加入wto后,山东农业面临着更多机遇和挑战。若想抓住机遇,就应以国际化标准为导向,致力于绿色食品及有机食品的生产,使农产品质量尽早突破国际壁垒。
Language backlog that enhance the student , this in practice is breakthrough that substance to inherited the excellent language in chinese nation study method , it held tight the high school language teaching , also looked for an exaltation student the language character . hence , this text is from the mind and body characteristics of the language characteristics of oneself course , student and the theories angle of modern education sciences to the possibility that enhance the language backlog the analysis that further made with necessity studies , expatiating the language backlog feels with language relation that educates with the language proficiency 加强学生的语言积累,这实际上是继承了中华民族优秀的语文学习方法,它抓住了中学语文教学的实质,也寻找到了一个提高学生语文素质的突破口。于是,本文从语文学科本身的特点、学生的身心特点及现代教育科学的理论角度对加强语言积累的可行性和必要性作了进一步的分析研究,阐述了语言积累与语感培养和语文能力之间的关系。
China limousine industry will suffer enormous challenges focused on lowering the tariff , cancel non - tariff barracks , open the car service trade etc . therefore , if wanting to occupy the parts of the drastic international limousine industry market , china limousine industry must hold tight the opportunities and do farsighted efforts 中国加入wto后,就要遵守wto的基本原则和规则,从而我国轿车工业在入世后将主要在降低关税、取消非关税壁垒、开放汽车服务贸易等方面将受到巨大的挑战。因此,我国轿车工业若要在激烈的国际轿车工业竞争中占有一席之地,必须抓住入世机遇,做出长远的努力。
Facing like this rigorous situation , china must go after profit and avoid to harm , and keep away and dissolve kinds of risks , and face the risk and challenge taken by the economic globalization and the process of economic globalization . we must hold tight the beneficial opportune to develop and strengthen ourselves 面对如此严峻形势,中国必须趋利避害,防范和化解各种风险,正视经济全球化带来的风险和挑战及经济全球化的进程,抓住有利时机发展壮大自己,在扎扎实实地稳步前进中,注意从我国实际出发,选择适合自己发展的道路。