
hold tight中文是什么意思

  • 紧紧的
  • 我要放手了



  • 例句与用法
  • To start the concert , ah mui performed a few of her own famous songs , such as " this is it " , " hold tight the one around " , " drunk in dreams " and etc , then " heart debt " , " which day " , " the 40th night " and jacky cheung ' s " lee hong kam " and etc . all marvelous pieces
  • Especially , after china ’ s joining the wto , the agriculture of shandong faces more opportunities and more challenges . if we want to hold tight the opportunity , we must put the internationalize standard as guide , concentrate on the producing of green food , and break the international barriers as early as possible
  • Language backlog that enhance the student , this in practice is breakthrough that substance to inherited the excellent language in chinese nation study method , it held tight the high school language teaching , also looked for an exaltation student the language character . hence , this text is from the mind and body characteristics of the language characteristics of oneself course , student and the theories angle of modern education sciences to the possibility that enhance the language backlog the analysis that further made with necessity studies , expatiating the language backlog feels with language relation that educates with the language proficiency
  • China limousine industry will suffer enormous challenges focused on lowering the tariff , cancel non - tariff barracks , open the car service trade etc . therefore , if wanting to occupy the parts of the drastic international limousine industry market , china limousine industry must hold tight the opportunities and do farsighted efforts
  • Facing like this rigorous situation , china must go after profit and avoid to harm , and keep away and dissolve kinds of risks , and face the risk and challenge taken by the economic globalization and the process of economic globalization . we must hold tight the beneficial opportune to develop and strengthen ourselves
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • hold firmly, usually with one''s hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
    同义词:cling to, hold close, clutch,

  • 推荐英语阅读
hold tight的中文翻译,hold tight是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译hold tight,hold tight的中文意思,hold tight的中文hold tight in Chinesehold tight的中文hold tight怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
