Market failure has thus been more prone to occur and government intervention more likely to be necessitated 因此,市场比较容易崩溃,政府需要作出干预的机会也较大。
" failure of market self - regulation " is the essential but not the adequate condition for government intervention “市场失灵”是政府管制的必要条件,而非充分条件。
They emphasized the function of government intervention in ensuring the high efficiency of market operation 利用状态空间模型估计出我国实际政府干预的行政权力变化路径。
He disagreed with the fans ' argument that lack of government intervention in the deal amounted to support for the glazers 他不同意球迷认为政府在格拉泽问题上不作为的观点。
There is an optimal condition for government intervention , which is the most suitable and effective government intervention 我国正处在经济转轨阶段,政府干预有着特有的必要和可行性。
One of the thrusts of our housing policy is to minimize government intervention in the operation of the market as far as possible 政府房屋政策的其中一项重点,是尽量减少干预市场运作。
In business , government intervention is kept to the minimum so as not to constrain creativity and entrepreneurial flair 政府尽量不干预工商业,以免妨碍创意和发明由市场决定需求,政府只在有需要时提供支援
Countries aspiring to be treated as market economies must end government intervention and allow market forces to drive their economies 希望得到市场经济待遇的国家必须停止政府干预,让市场力成为经济的驱动力。 ”
5 . 12 the hierarchy of public transport modes in hong kong has evolved over the years through market forces and with some government intervention 5 . 12公共交通模式的分级,是在市场力量影响及政府干预下在逐渐形成的。
Except where social considerations are overriding , the allocation of resources in the economy is left to market forces with minimal government intervention 除特殊情?发生,社会的资源概由市场力量?定,政府积极不作干预