
get on to中文是什么意思

  • 识破某人或某人的……
  • 知道,意识到
  • 转入(另一话题或活动);同…联系



  • 例句与用法
  • He never dreamed of doubting of freemasonry itself , but began to suspect that russian freemasonry had got on to a false track , and was deviating from its original course
  • Interest , however , was starting to flag somewhat all round and the others got on to talking about accidents at sea , ships lost in a fog , collisions with icebergs , all that sort of thing
  • Readers interested in a review of recent lack of empirical evidence on the beneficial effects of financial globalisation for developing economies may wish to get on to the web - site of the international monetary fund and read a
  • For purposes of the software , the visual c + + 6 . 0 is the form of working platform , analyzing the outer performance of the damper by the way of making connection with the matlab ' s program , and getting on to parametric design the damper ' s elements . therefore , the software can be a convenient tool to design shock absorbers and predict their characteristics
    软件以visualc + + 6 . 0为工作平台,通过与matlab相连接,对减振器的外特性分析,与autocad连接,进行减振器零部件的参数化设计,为减振器的设计和性能预测提供了有利的工具。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • get on toとは意味:{句動-1} : ~に上がる◆屋根などに -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~に乗る[乗り込む]◆乗り物などに ----------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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