If eat it by mistake, please use water to gargle immediately, if it enter into eyes, please wash it immediately and see a doctor as soon as you can 但该干燥剂严禁食用若发生误食,请立即用水漱口如果不小心进入眼睛,请迅速用水冲洗后找医生。
Pay attention to oral hygiene and form a habit of brushing teeth in the morning and at night, and gargling after meals immediately . warm salt water, physiological saline and medicament mouthwash can be used to reduce oral bacteria and prevent the secondary infection because of food debris 第一点要注意口腔卫生,养成早晚刷牙饭后即刻漱口的良好习惯,可用盐开水生理盐水,也可用药物漱口液,减少口腔细菌,防止因
Starting from the first diet, regardless of whether oral disease, should try to avoid overheating too cold, and sweet and sour food stimulation; three meals a day after water gargle, sooner or later, brushing; avoid biting too hard to chew food or objects; in case of oral diseases, family customize analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs alone symptomatic treatment will not solve the fundamental problems 首先从饮食做起,不管有无口腔疾病,应尽量避免过冷过热,以及酸甜食物的刺激;一日三餐后用清水漱口,早晚刷牙;避免用牙咬啃过于坚硬的食物或物品;一旦发生口腔疾病,家庭自选止痛、消炎药物仅能对症治疗,不能解决根本问题。
The results showed that the main individual behaviors include resting, swimming, diving, roaring, playing, basking, feeding and so on, at the same time recorded others behaviors such as gargling, tickling, excreting, fighting, swing tail, pileup, staring, yawning, stretching waist etc . after reproduction in summer, resting is the main behavior of daily rhythm, basking becomes the main behavior in autumn 结果表明:夏秋两季饲养条件下扬子鳄的个体行为主要包括休息、游泳、潜水、吼叫、嬉戏、摄食和晒太阳等,同时也记录其他行为如:漱口、挠痒、排泄、打斗、堆积、摆尾、对视、打哈欠、伸懒腰等。夏季扬子鳄花费在休息的时间最多,秋季花费在晒太阳的时间最多。