fresh adj. 1.新产生的,新制的;新获得的;新近的,新到的。 2.清新的;生气勃勃的,强健的,气色好的,鲜艳的,鲜嫩的。 3.清洁的;清凉的。 4.新鲜的,无咸味的 (opp. salt); 未加盐(腌)的,生的。 5.无经验的,不熟练的;新入学的,新进的 (opp. old)。 6.〔俚语〕微醉的;〔美俚〕莽撞的,放肆的,无礼的(尤指对异性)。 7.【气象学】疾(风);【航海】迅速的。 8.外加的,另外的,进一步的。 9.(谈话等)有创见的,有启发性的。 10.(母牛)开始有奶的,新近产犊的。 news fresh and fresh最新消息。 fresh flowers 鲜花。 fresh fish 鲜鱼,生鱼。 fresh fruit 新鲜水果。 feel fresh觉得清新[爽快]。 make a fresh start 从新开始。 fresh troops 生力军。 a fresh hand 无经验者,生手。 a fresh recruit 新兵。 He's a bit fresh. 他有点醉了。 as fresh as lark [a daisy] 精神饱满的。 be fresh in mind [memory] 记忆犹新。 break fresh ground 开垦生荒地;着手新事业。 fresh from school [the country] 刚由学校[乡下]出来。 F- paint! 油漆未干! get fresh 〔美俚〕厚脸起来;变得无礼。 green and fresh 生的;不熟练的;幼稚的。 in the fresh air 在户外。 throw fresh light on 提供新情况。 adv. 刚,新,才。 n. 1.(河流的)暴涨,泛滥。 2.(流入咸水中的)淡水流。 3.〔学俚〕新生。 4.(一天、一年等的)开始。 in the fresh of the morning 清晨。 n. -ness
food n. 1.食物,食品,粮食,食料;养料。 2.精神食粮,材料,资料。 animal [vegetable] food 肉[素]食。 canned food 罐头食品。 mental [intellectual] food 精神食粮。 non-staple [subsidiary] food 副食品。 spiritual food 精神食粮。 food for poetry 诗的素材。 be [become] food for fishes 葬身鱼腹,淹死。 be food for worms 死亡。 food and drink 饮食。 food for powder 炮灰。 food for thought [meditation] 思考的材料。 adj. -less 缺量的,断炊的。
Where some 15 , 000 stalls offer a wide choice of commodities ranging from fresh food to household items ,提供约15 , 000个档位,售卖多类货品,由新鲜食物以至家庭用品,式式俱备。
Where some 15 , 500 stalls offer a wide choice of commodities ranging from fresh food to household items ,提供约15 , 500个档位,售卖多类货品,由新鲜食物以至家庭用品,式式俱备。
They had arrived too late to grow many crops , and without fresh food , half the colony died from disease 因他们到达新世界时已错过了春夏播种季节,没有新鲜食物,一半的殖民死于疾病。
They baked some fresh bread and cooked some fresh food for their guests and also gave them milk and cheese 他们烤了新鲜的面包,煮一点新鲜的食物给那些客人吃,请他们喝牛奶吃起士。
The local agricultural industry involves producing quality fresh food through intensive land use and modern farming practices 本港农业透过精耕细作和现代化的技术,生产优质的新鲜食品。
To ensure hygienic , efficient and orderly marketing and distribution of fresh food produce to retail outlets ; and 确保鲜活食品能在符合卫生的情况下,有效率和有秩序地分发至各零售点;及
Imported food inspection , fresh food wholesale market , handling of food complaints , hawker management and control , market management 食物进口检验副食品批发市场食物投诉小贩管理街市管理
A large part of the fresh food produce consumed locally is distributed through government wholesale food markets managed by afcd 本地居民食用的鲜活食品大部分都是经由本署管理的政府鲜活食品批发市场批销
The aim is to ensure adequate provision and efficient operation of government wholesale marketing facilities for fresh food produce 宗旨宗旨是确保政府能够为新鲜副食品批发提供足够及有效率的政府批发市场设施。
Fresh food production plants ; vegetable waste volume reduction devices ; design , production and installation of other various industrial machinery 生鲜食品制造品牌,剩菜处理装置,其它,各种产业器械设计制作施工