
december 21中文是什么意思

  • 12月21日



  • 例句与用法
  • They will not necessitate any amendments to the two motions that the government will move at the legco meeting on december 21 to amend annexes i and ii of the basic law
  • But the answer was easy to find as it was indeed a very special time , and on december 21 , 2003 a celebration to merit its unique nature was held at the toronto center
  • The patient , a 39 - year - old male visitor , developed symptoms of fever , headache , and joint pain on december 15 . he was admitted to a private hospital on hong kong island and had been discharged on december 21
    患者为一名39岁男游客,于12月15日出现发烧头痛及关节痛的病徵,其后入院港岛一间私家医院, 12月21日出院。
  • The convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination ( cerd ) entered into force on january 4 . it is a united nations convention adopted and opened for signatureon december 21 , 1965
    1969年1月4日, 《消除一切形式种族歧视的国际公约》开始生效。联合国在1965年12月21日通过此公约,然后提交各国签署。
  • On december 21 , 2007 , international legal affairs branch of changzhou bar association drove to hangzhou city , zhejiang province and visited the local top firm , t & c law firm
  • Sacchi was appointed to his post on december 21 last year in a move that was designed to revive the ailing fortunes of the club and , in the words of real president florentino perez , " make the club more professional "
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