
dead or alive中文是什么意思

  • 不论死活
  • 生或死电影版
  • 生死格斗
  • 生与死
  • 死或生系列



  • 例句与用法
  • Is for take away nothing leave everything as you find it and do not pick flowers or disturb or take away any creatures , either dead or alive . let others have a chance to enjoy the wildlife
    代表take away nothing ,即眼看手勿动不要采摘大自然的一花一草,也不可带走活的动物或尸体,让其他人亦有机会欣赏野生生物。
  • " he ' s a person who believes in direct , no - nonsense chatter . " for instance , bush said he wanted al - qaeda terrorist leader osama bin laden " dead or alive " and pledged to " smoke him out " of afghanistan ' s caves
    例如,布什说他一定要抓住“基地”组织的恐怖主义领导本拉登,不管他“是死是活” ,并发誓用烟将他从阿富汗的洞穴里熏出来。
  • A group was paying five thousand dollars cash for each of us , dead or alive . but then the guards told us the plans were switched and the plane was coming that morning . so two guards left and only one guard was watching us
  • Therefore , initiation is to remind you of your greatest inheritance , and then you make use of your treasure every day instead of relying on any master at all , whether dead or alive . that is the purpose of our practicing method , and there s no other purpose besides that
  • He told me , that was true ; but that as there was no proof of my being dead , he could not act as executor , until some certain account should come of my death , and that besides , he was not willing to intermeddle with a thing so remote ; that it was true he had registred my will , and put in his claim ; and could he have given any account of my being dead or alive , he would have acted by procuration , and taken possession of the ingenio , so they call d the sugar - house , and had given his son , who was now at the brasils , order to do it
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
Dead or alive was historically, and is in popular culture, a common qualification on a wanted poster.
  • 其他语种释义
  • dead or aliveとは意味:{形} : 死ぬか生きるかの -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} : 生死にかかわらず、生死を問わず、生きていようと死んでいようと
  • 推荐英语阅读
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