
business segment中文是什么意思

  • 企业分部,企业内部责任单位
  • 业务分部



  • 例句与用法
  • Tyco international ltd . is a global , diversified company that provides vital products and services to customers in five business segments : fire & security , electronics , healthcare , engineered products & services and plastics & adhesives
  • Tyco international ltd . is a global , diversified company that provides vital products and services to customers in five business segments : fire & security , electronics , healthcare , engineered products & services , and plastics & adhesives
  • Clothing foreign trade agency divides into independent two major systems : business segments and technical support department of production ( inspect goods ) use enterprise resource governing plan erp to realize that the business procedure is optimized
    将服装外贸代理机构分为互相独立,不存在隶属关系的两大体系:业务部门和生产技术支持部门(验货) 。 》应用企业资源管理计划erp实现业务流程优化。
  • Fund transfer pricing system and capital assignment system is the concrete organizing method of erm , which are responsible to the collecting and transmitting signals between leading group and basic unit and among every business segments inside the bank
  • All business segments of siemens worldwide are active in china including information and communications , automation and control , power , transportation , medical , lighting as well as household appliances . core business areas are infrastructure development and industrial solutions
  • Counting on new opportunities emerging from the elimination of garment quotas in 2005 , the group made the decision to expand further downstream by starting a garment manufacturing business in late 2004 . production facilities for this business segment have been established in china and in certain offshore countries
  • Counting on new opportunities emerging from the elimination of garment quotas in 2005 , the group made the decision to expand further downstream by starting a garment manufacturing business in late 2004 . production facilities for this business segment have been established in china and in certain offshore countries
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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business segment的中文翻译,business segment是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译business segment,business segment的中文意思,business segment的中文business segment in Chinesebusiness segment的中文business segment怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
