The following season he came top in british formula renault - the feeder category that propelled kimi raikkonen into the big time 在随后的一个赛季中,他登上了英国雷诺方程式的最高领奖台,基米雷克南也曾经从这项赛事走向了伟大的时代。
Felipe massa also deserves credit for a well - judged race which took him to third place , his first visit to the formula one podium 菲利普马萨的表现也可圈可点,他在这场决断英明的比赛中获得了季军,这是他本人第一次登上一级方程式的领奖台。
The excellence series involves a number of high - performance workshops designed to better prepare canadas athletes for podium success at the olympic games 该系列讲座包括一系列旨在使加拿大运动员发挥最佳技能,达标夺冠,掌握站上领奖台的高度曝光机会。
This is also david coulthard ' s home race , of course , and the scot is up for another good result after scoring the team ' s first - ever podium finish in monaco 这自然也是大卫-库塔的家乡赛,继首次为车队在摩纳哥登上领奖台之后,苏格兰人也正期待着又一次的好成绩。
But at the start of 1967 , with ginther and bucknum departed , honda returned to the podium with a vengeance courtesy of their new sole driver , john surtees 然而在1967年一开始,由于金瑟尔和布克努姆的离开,本田车队在唯一的新车手约翰-苏瑞提斯的帮助下回到了领奖台上。
After the total medals have been presented , while the medallists are standing on the podium , the champion ' s national anthem is played and the national flags of the three winners are raised 总成绩颁奖结束后,获奖者站在领奖台上,奏冠军国家的国歌,升前三名选手国家的国旗。 )
So when he hobbled on to the podium to collect the premiership at the end of the 2002 season , highbury erupted and the entire squad got down on their knees in homage 所以在2002赛季末,当皮雷一瘸一拐地跳上领奖台和队友共获英超冠军时,全体球员都跪下向他这个贡献良多的“国王”致敬。
Two - time world champion fernando alonso says he still has no regrets about leaving mclaren despite his renault team looking set to be unable to fight for podium finishes at the start of the season 两届冠军费尔南多?阿隆索说他从来没有后悔离开迈克拉伦,即便今年的雷诺也许与领奖台无缘。
De la rosa took up the cudgels superbly , and thoroughly deserved a second place ( and his first - ever podium ) after a drive that eradicated memories of a spin on the formation lap 德-拉-罗萨漂亮地接过了比赛的接力棒,在暖胎圈有了印象深刻的打滑事件之后获得了第二名(这是他有史以来首次登上领奖台) 。
Scores red bull ' s maiden podium in monaco in an otherwise disappointing second season with the team , who struggle for pace and reliability . finishes 13th in the standings 在摩纳哥站,库特哈德取得啦红牛车队建队以来的第一个领奖台席位。然而,赛车的速度和可靠性方面的问题让他最终以第13名结束整个赛季。