

  • 容抗符号
  • 线结晶分析法
  • 向宠
  • 辛毗
  • 许褚



  • 例句与用法
  • Formats 03 , marseille , france , september 6 - 7 , 2003 , lncs 2791 , pp . 34 - 45 . 11 kalus havelund , arne skou , kim g larsen , kristian lund . formal modelling and analysis of an audio video protocol : an industrial case study using uppaal
    如果从某一个位置l出发,一个时间变量x在被重置之前,不会被任何转换用形如x c或者xc的条件测试,那么符号状态l , d中的所有形如x - y
  • Hundreds of hours in flight and kilometers of cross country in various countries well known for xc potential : texas , mongolia , switzerland , france , austria and others well known for their difficult conditions : japan , korea , portugal
  • Presence of vulcan xc - 72 active carbon powder in the pt / moox / gc composite electrode by electrochemical codeposition made peak potential of methanol oxidation a further negative shift of about 50mv and a further promotion of co - tolerant performance for methanol oxidation
    催化剂中vulcanxc - 72活性碳粉的引入即共沉积制备的pt moo _ x c gc电极催化剂甲醇氧化峰电位又进一步负移50mv左右,抗co中毒催化性能又进一步提高。
  • Finally , studies the instruction system of cos upon a dedicated instruction of smartcos - xc . chapter 4 discusses the smartcos - xc and gives the design and implementing of a smart card file system framework . based on this , this paper gives a simulation of head - end encryption of entitlement control message ( ecm ) and entitlement management message ( emm ) , and implements the decryption of ecm and emm in the smart card
    在对通用cos的研究的基础上,首先简单分析了smartcos - xc ,结合该cos ,论文针对有条件接收系统,按不同用途、不同类型分别设计并实现了存储用户授权及智能卡应用的文件体系结构,通过该cos的指令系统,设计并实现了模拟前端授权控制信息( entitlementcontrolmessage , ecm ) 、授权管理信息( entitlementmanagementmessage , emm )数据生成模块及用户端ecm 、 emm解密模块。
  • The optimum design of the beat back - impact crusher is proposed , which aims at the highest efficiency of the machine work . the optimum designed mathematics model of the main structural dimension of the crusher ( m , , xc , s , w 2 > ir ) is built with restraining conditions such as force condition , energy condition , hammer steady condition , no moving interference , strength of spin axle and bearing condition , upper limit and lower limit of the design variant condition etc . finally , an example is give to illustrate the efficiently of the method proposed
    在综合考虑影响破碎机效率的各因素的情况下,提出了满足以力,能量,锤头稳定性,几何条件,不发生运动干涉,转子轴和滚动轴承的强度等约束条件,建立了包含破碎机关键参数(锤头质量m ,轴心o到销轴锤头接触距离r ' ,四川大学硕士学位论文锤头质心到销轴与锤头接触点的距离拙,锤头与岩石碰撞到销轴与锤头接触点的距离s ,转子的速度。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 英文解释
  • being ten more than eighty
    同义词:ninety, 90,

  • 其他语种释义
  • xcとは意味

    xc {略-1} : ex coupon 利札落ち{りさつ おち} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <...

  • 推荐英语阅读
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