Webber paid tribute to his team as they collected their first podium finish of the season 韦伯为他的车队做出了贡献,本赛季到目前为止,他们第一次登上领奖台。
Webber ' s greatest strengths are his commitment to teamwork , natural pace and ballsy racing style 韦伯最大的优势在于他出色的团队工作、天生的速度和大胆的比赛风格。
Gaines has performed the title role in andrew lloyd webber s " the phantom of the opera " more than 2 , 000 times 盖恩曾在安德鲁洛伊德韦伯的歌剧魅影中主演超过两千场次。
And now webber is facing what could be his greatest challenge yet , in the shape of new team mate nico rosberg 现在韦伯正面临着有可能是他最大的挑战,新队友尼科罗斯伯格。
However , so far , webber is yet to deliver on his promise and prove himself a potential world champion 不过,迄今为止韦伯还没有实现他的诺言,证明自己有成为世界冠军的潜力。
In the closing stages , the main fight was between mark webber and pedro de la rosa for fifth place 詹卡洛?费斯切拉的引擎在第二圈就冒出了青烟,于是他准备进入维修站退出比赛。
Few formula one drivers have shown more dedication to the learning of their craft than mark webber 在一级方程式车手中,很少有人能在技术学习的认真和投入方面能够超越马克韦伯。
Wilhelm dilthey ' s “ life philosophy ” , the neo - kantian position , and max webber ' s verstehende sociology 威廉?狄尔泰的“生命哲学” ,新康德主义立场,和马克斯?韦伯的直观理解社会学。
This means that the second williams seat for next year remains open and webber ' s team - mate is yet to be confirmed 这也就意味着威廉姆斯车队的二号车手位置,也就是韦伯的队友还是空缺。
And since the last race your new team - mate has been announced as mark webber for next year . your thoughts on that 问:上一站比赛中,马克-韦伯被宣布成为了你明年的队友,你对此看法如何?