Now allow our space traveler to proceed to another galaxy whose residents are intelligent and mathematically adept . 现在让我们的空间旅行者继续飞向另一个星系,假设这个星系上居民聪明并精通数学。
A rhineland baron who overtaxed commercial travelers would find that the trade routes had gone elsewhere, and with it his revenues . 一个莱茵兰的男爵因对商旅过度征税而会发现,商路改到别的地方,他的收益不翼而飞了。
But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists , but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travelers . 但是,由于他们不仅没有接触过外国旅游者,甚至和本国人也不太接触,所以这样的人对旅游家可能持有敌意。
When the only means of transportation were horses, camels and small boats, travelers were already crossing seas and deserts to acquire rare goods . 在只有马、骆驼和小船作交通工具的年代里,旅行者就已经横渡大海,穿越沙漠去获取稀有的货物。
There was still half an hour left in which to drive to the station, buy the last weeklies at the bookstall with the air of seasoned travelers . 还有半小时的光景,供他们坐车到火车站,摆出见过世面的旅客的样子,在车站的书摊上买几份近期周刊。
Traveler : is this the bus that goes by the park 旅客:这班公共汽车经过公园吗?
Health measures for travelers from canada lifted 抵港加拿大旅客健康措施现已撤消
Do you accept credit cards ( traveler ' s checks ) 这里可使用信用卡(旅行支票)吗
The dusty road made the travelers dusty too 满是尘土的路弄得行人也满面尘土了。
The silence made the traveler feel very lonely 沉默使这些旅行家感到非常的孤独。