
thermal protection中文是什么意思

  • 热保护
  • 热防护



  • 例句与用法
  • Low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - part 8 : control units for built - in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines iec 60947 - 8 : 2003 ; german version en 60947 - 8 : 2003
  • The requirement of the primary hot structure provides both thermal protection and loading for the future spacevehicle can be achieved by integrated design of thermal protection and load bearing
  • Energetic materials for defense - physical - chemical analysis and properties - characterisation of the bonding between energetic materials and liners , inhibitors and thermal protections , shear
  • Energetic materials for defense - physical - chemical analysis and properties - characterisation of the bonding between energetic materials and liners , inhibitors and thermal protections , normal traction
  • The return of a reusable spacevehicle into earth ' s atmosphere with high - supersonic is gas - heated intensely , which requiring the high performance of thermal protection provided by the hot - structure composite materials
  • The industrial company maler frohes schaffen carries out a outstanding quality within the range full thermal insulation sealing , thermal protection as well as facade cleaning and wall - papering as one of the prominent enterprises
    Maler frohes schaffen是一家令客户满意的工业型企业,该企业生产杰出的屋面清洁,裱糊工作,全绝热,热防护、绝热、热绝缘。
  • The permeability of the skin of a building towards light , heat and air , and its transparency must be controllable and capable of modification , so that it can react to changing local climatic conditions ( solar screening , protection against glare , light deflection , shading , temporary thermal protection , adjustable natural ventilation )
  • The experiment results provided a basis for establishing inhibitor ablation model and thermal protection design . the work of this paper can be summarized into four parts : 1 . by analyzing the characteristic of the flow field of srm under high acceleration condition , the following phenomena were discovered : particles were deflected and concentrated in local region by overloading , which reinforced inhibitor ablation , and the particle distribution alone the wall was affected by several factors
    本文的研究工作概括为以下四部分: ( 1 )通过分析固体发动机在高过载作用下的流场特点,发现流场中凝相粒子在过载作用下发生偏转,并在局部大量聚集而形成稠密的粒子流,强化了对绝热层的烧蚀;粒子在发动机壁面上的聚集分布受多种因素影响。
  • With the development of reusable launch vehicles , the thermal protection system has been oriented by the idea of incorporate design which involves thermal protection - structure - thrust system . at the same time , the weight proportion of thermal protection system has been reduced , but the working temperature of thermal protection system has been increased
  • In summary , this paper developed experiment techniques to simulated flow field in overloading srm . it is an effective way to study inhibitor ablation pattern under high acceleration condition . the experiment results provided basis for investigating ablation mechanism and thermal protection
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