

音标:[ 'stɑ:geizə(r) ]   发音:
  • 占星家;〔戏谑语〕天文家;空想家,梦想家;【动物;动物学】眼镜鱼;〔戏谑语〕专爱看女明星的人。



  • 例句与用法
  • On the other hand , planets were viewed as " wandering stars " and their movements , although mundane to modern eyes , were considered highly significant to stargazers of the time
    另一方面,行星被认为是“漫游的星星” ,尽管在现代人眼中是平凡的,然而对于那个时期的占星家来说,被认为意义十分重大。
  • The aavso first established the nova search committee in the early 1930 ' s with the belief that a serious stargazer might contribute to astronomy through a systematic search for novae in the milky way galaxy
  • The aavso first established the nova search committee in the early 1930 ' s with the belief that a serious stargazer might contribute to astronomy through a systematic search for novae in the milky way galaxy
  • For the first time , and the three show great comedic chemistry as partners in crime and babysitting . yuen biao makes a welcome appearance , while a host of celebrity cameos keeps the stargazers busy
  • London , england ( ap ) - - a dark red shadow crept across the moon saturday during the first total lunar eclipse in nearly three years , thrilling stargazers and astronomers around the world
    伦敦,英国(联合通讯社) - -星期六,暗红色的阴影爬上了月球的表面,这是近三年来的首次月全蚀,这次月全蚀让全世界的天文学家们都激动不以。
  • The brightest flares left shimmering , smoky trails that hung in the sky for a few seconds . clear skies also rewarded more than 1 , 000 stargazers who sat on lawn chairs at a youth training camp near seoul , south korea
  • So the american museum of natural history researchers took known venomous species ? which include stonefish , catfish , lionfish , scorpion fish , toadfish , stargazers , and half a dozen other families ? and tried to determine how they were related to each other and additional fish
  • Although traveling to the countryside can definitely appreciate more , dimmer meteors , city stargazer may be restrained from doing so by traffic , unstable weather , work or school on the next day . an open place next to your house with unobstructed view is also desirable
  • As a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market ? you may pay respects to the emperor and the prince ( luckily , you no longer need to kneel down and perform kowtow to the royal family ) , discuss politics with the premier and other chinese officials , or simply go shopping in the celestial market
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head

  • a physicist who studies astronomy
    同义词:astronomer, uranologist,

  • someone indifferent to the busy world; "in the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence"

  • 百科解释
The stargazers are a family Uranoscopidae of perciform fish that have eyes on top of their heads (hence the name). The family includes about 51 species (one extinct) in 8 genera, all marine and found worldwide in shallow waters.
  • 其他语种释义
  • stargazerとは意味:{名-1} : 天文学者、占星家、占星術師 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 夢想家{むそうか}、空想家 --------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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