An image of this god, often used as a scarecrow in ancient gardens 据《圣经》所叙,上帝按自己的形象创造了人。
scarecrow : but that's so easy ? i should have thought of it for you 稻草人:不过就这么简单吗?我早该为你想出来的。
Edith chung ep scarecrow 锺汶ep稻草人兵团
Edith chung ep features 5 new songs, disc 2 scarecrow features 17 hit songs 锺汶ep收录新歌5首稻草人兵团收录歌曲17首
I look like a scarecrow 看上去像个稻草人
To feel strongly on accasion shows pasonality; birds soon mock at the scarecrow 有时候发发脾气也可以显示你的个性;就连小草也会嘲弄稻草人。
Here we see a mask of the god dionysus and clothing attached to a pole, much in the manner of a scarecrow 这里我们看到一个戴奥尼索斯的面具及衣服附在竿子上,像是稻草人的方式。
Other symbols related to halloween include the colors black and orange, scarecrows, the moon, vampires, werewolves, and the wearing of masks 其他还包括了黑色和橘色,稻草人,月亮,吸血鬼,狼人和面具。
Asian puppet series : " iron scarecrow ii-the last leaf " puppet musical by make friends with puppet in cantonese 亚洲木偶系列:偶友街作07年全新儿童木偶音乐剧《铁甲稻草人ii---最后一片叶子》(粤语演出)
Students learned to make scarecrows to keep birds away, and they also made prayer dolls to hang by the rice field to encourage a good harvest 学生动手做稻草人来吓走鸟儿,并在稻田边挂上晴天娃娃祈求丰收。