Since casagrande ' s works , significant progress has occurred . but , most of these are applicable for sandy soils 然而,这些研究大多是针对于砂土而进行的,对于粉土液化问题的研究相对较少。
Finally , sulfur maybe a limiting element under cool conditions where clean air prevails , or in extremely sandy soils 最后,对于空气清洁或砂质土壤的寒冷地区,硫可能会成为植物生长的限制性养分。
The man from israel showed them special irrigation techniques because of the harsh desert climate and the sandy soil 从以色列来的人教导他们如何灌溉,因为他们要在墨西哥的沙漠种植,整片土地都是沙。
The article analyses nature of lime , manganese iron , aeolian sandy soil , cement , and material requirement of roadbed 论文分析了石灰、锰铁废渣、风积砂土、水泥的性质,以及阐述了路面基层对材料的要求。
Underground water seeping in , as the water makes the sandy soil unstable it is not possible to continue excavating , thus the excavations came to a halt 地下水位冒出,由于水量丰富,导致界墙上的沙质相当容易崩塌,难以进行更深入的挖掘,因此暂停。
Besides , the result of experimental study also indicates that the relationship between the forward speed of operation on the field of sandy soil and the draft appears exponential relation 试验研究表明在砂质壤土中铲刀作业速度与牵引阻力成指数关系。
Under the same soil moisture suction , water holding quantity in soils from high to low in turn was lou soil , hei - lu soil , loessial soil and aeolian - sandy soil 土壤水分动态变化过程(干湿交替次数)和变化强度(温度变化)对黄土高原地区四种土壤钾的有效性有较大影响。
Wuchuan is recognized as a good place for potato production due to long hours of sunshine , cool weather , big temperature difference between day and night , sandy soil and free of industry pollutions 这里气候凉爽,日照充足,昼夜温差大,土壤以沙性为主,自然条件非常适合优质马铃薯的生长。
Taking the aqueous sandy soil in hot summer and warm winter area as a heat transfer medium , studies the influence of seepage on heat transfer characteristics of the soil by a simulating experiment 摘要以夏热冬暖地区富水土壤砂质土为传热介质,进行了水渗流对其传热特性影响的实验模拟研究。
Abstract : silt is neither clay , nor sandy soil . it has the distinctive character . the existing problems for silt name are discussed . its named method and suggestion are put forward 文摘:粉土,既不同于粘性土,又有别于砂土,具有独特的个性。讨论了粉土定名存在的问题,提出了定名的方法和建议。