Now this area is dotted with some old and rundown office facility and multi - floor and lower houses 目前该区域分布着一些破旧的办公设施和多层、低层住宅。
The beautiful villas of my aunts and uncles have either disappeared or shrunk into tiny rundown houses 我叔叔和婶婶的漂亮别墅可能已经消失了,也可能破败成小屋了。
The clamorous mob was held accountable for the gory violence flared up principally in a rundown suburb 那班纷扰吵闹的暴民,被指要为主要在破落郊区爆发的流血暴力事件负责。
Read on for an exciting rundown of whats on offer at tokyo disneysea . click on the attraction category of your choice 本次将为您个别归类介绍东京迪士尼海洋内最有趣的游乐设施。
The rundown of stripper bottom product is by level control acting on the fractionator furnace pass control valves 汽提塔底产品的排出由液位控制,该液位控制调控分馏塔加热炉通道控制阀。
Here ' s a rundown of some of the notions that play into this myth about how security researchers interact with software makers 这有一份意见纲要,演示了关于安全研究者们与产品供应商之间如何联系的说法。
Slight discoloration from dripping or rundown of the sealing solution from designed crevices in a component shall be allowed 从一个组成件中指定的裂缝中溢出的或滴下的密封溶液导致的轻微变色是被允许的。
Each chapter has a summary where i try to give the more cursory reader a rundown on the happenings in the chapter and their importance for future work 每一章都有一个概要,在那我试着提供较粗略描述,包括该章内容的纲要以及这些内容对将来工作的重要性。
The isbl of this hp hydrocracker unit will start at the unit filter feed vessel and conclude at product rundowns from the fractionation and the naphtha minus section 该高压加氢裂化装置的界区从装置过滤器进料罐开始,直到从分馏与脱石脑油段来的产品出料罐为止。
The stock rundown also put huge pressure on manufacturing and labelling , who had to build up new livery stock whilst maintaining productivity for all other brands 库存盘点也给生产及粘贴工作带来巨大压力,他们必须在保证其它商标生产效率的同时为新包装库存做好准备。
a concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court) 同义词:summation, summing up,
rundownとは意味:rundown n. 《口語》 概要(報告); 《英》 段階的減少. 【動詞+】 ◆I missed the meeting. Can you give me the rundown? 《口語》 会議に行けなかったのですが, 会議の概要を話してくれませんか. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a brief rundown 《口語》 簡潔な概要報告 ◆the gradual rundown of the co...