Using examples from requiem , consider whether a photojournalist , covering genuine news - as opposed to celebrity stalking - can go too far 看一看《安魂曲》中的事例,思考当一名摄影记者在报导真实的新闻时(而不是偷窥名人隐私类的事情)可以毫无底线的报导吗?
Dances include lin wei - hua ’ s “ requiem ” , lin wei - ling ’ s “ soul liberation ” , chen yi - min ’ s “ fetal soul ” and wei kuang - ching ’ s “ dancing original soul ” 舞蹈分别为林惟华的《安魂曲》 、林威玲的《灵魂解放》 、陈逸民的《致命灵魂》 、魏光庆的《舞动的原始灵魂》 。
Page , tim , and faas , horst . requiem : by the photographers who died in vietnam and indochina . new york : vintage / ebury ( random house ) , 1997 《安魂曲》是那些参与越战的摄影家们的精彩作品集。书中收录了许多摄影师的作品,包括了许多于印度支那战火中失去生命的北越摄影家。
Iraq entered " requiem of snow , " a kurdish language film from director jamil rostami about kurds praying for rain in a drought - parched area of the country 伊拉克选送了一部由贾米勒?罗斯塔米执导的库尔德语影片《雪的挽歌》 ,该片讲述了伊拉克库尔德人在干燥炎热的地区祈求上天降雨的故事。
Iraq entered " requiem of snow , " a kurdish language film from director jamil rostami about kurds praying for rain in a drought - parched area of the country 伊拉克选送了一部由贾米勒罗斯塔米执导的库尔德语影片雪的挽歌,该片讲述了伊拉克库尔德人在干燥炎热的地区祈求上天降雨的故事。
Requiem : in paradisium is also unnecessarily experimental , with overlapping fuzz and tape effects diluting the sound ; the looped drum track is also unimaginatively integrated 《安魂曲:在天国》也未必是实验派作风,重叠的电子失真音像效果冲淡了钢琴的演奏;不间断的鼓声更是毫无想象力的组合。
But to mozart - - - at that time sick , depressed , haunted by the thought of death - - - the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world , bidding him write his own requiem 但是,对莫扎特来说? ?此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整天想着死? ?这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。
But to mozart - - - at that time sick , depressed , haunted by the thought of death - - - the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world , bidding him write his own requiem 但是,对莫扎特来说? ?此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整天想著死? ?这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。
Was eaten up half the way , and have only the soldiers left , which means that most of the workers has been killed , and the entire nest will be eliminated very soon about 1 month 2005年1月10日requiem白色已吃了一大半,并只剩馀兵蚁-表示巢穴内最大群的工蚁己相继死亡整个白蚁巢将于短期内约一个月全军覆灭。
Under kersh ' s line we see scenes from last week , scully looking at herself in the mirror , skinner looking up at the ufo that took mulder in requiem , skinner and scully in kersh ' s office (以克什为线,我们上周看到的戏,使高丽在镜子中看自己,在安灵弥撒那集中,斯金纳看着带走莫特的飞碟,斯金纳和史高丽在克什的办公室中。 )