Research field in theory of the firm has developed into two main branches gradually since 1960s : shareholder primacy theory vs . stakeholder theory 自20世纪60年代以后,企业理论的研究领域中逐步分化出两大理论:“股东至上理论”和“利益相关者理论”。
We are entering the world of truely agnostic media, where the primacy of the content is not on the physical media, but on methods of transmission and representation 精彩:我们正在进入一个十分令人困惑的媒体时代,这个时代的主流内容并不存在于物质载体上,而且始终处在一种传播和展示的过程中。
While the launch drew sharp criticism from various nations that wished they had simply been consulted prior to the test, us opposition was based on the principle of its own primacy 这次发射遭受到了国际社会的批评,因为中国没有提前跟这些国家通报就进行了试射,而美国的反对依据是自己一直是国际大老。
3450 primacy in sumer transferred to nannar / sin . marduk proclaims babylon " gateway of the gods . " the " tower of babel " incident . the anunnaki confuse mankind's languages 3450年,苏美尔的首要地位转移到南那/辛(巴比伦的月神)。马杜克声称巴比伦是“众神之门”,“巴别塔”事件。安奴拿其混乱了人类的语言。
I perennial production company distribution acid, benzene 2 . acid, cobalt salt, the primacy of service, integrity-based . i sincerely expect customers to the company or calls from business operations 我公司长年生产经销苯甲酸、对苯二?0酸、钴盐等,服务至上、诚信为本。望有诚客户来我公司或来电来函洽谈业务。
Although in canada, the primacy of communication as a tool is reconfirmed there is a growing realization that the teaching of grammar and structures has benefits for promoting acquisition 在加拿大,虽然作为一种工具的交际应当放在第一位的观点得到了再次确认,但人们已越来越认识到,语法和结构的教学对拓展知识是大有裨益的。
Corporatin respond the slogan : " quality is the primacy, buyer is paramountcy . ", corporation according the guidline : " sincere, quality, service ", to sincerely create wonderful future with all of the clients 公司以人为本,奉行“质量第一,用户至上”的企业理念。在激烈的市场竞争下,公司本着“诚信;质量;服务”的方针,真诚与新老客户携手共创美好未来。
A comparison of british geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper 对过去一个半世纪的英国地质出版物进行比较,我们发现现在不但越来越强调把研究放在首位,而且对什么是可以接受的论文的界定也在不断变化。
For its part, the united states is wrestling with critical issues-the threat of global terrorism; the best way to use american primacy; and the challenge of reinvigorating the u . s . economy and stimulating global growth 而美国现在则正在对付一些重大问题:全球恐怖主义威胁、如何最好地发挥美国优势地位,以及如何应对重振美国经济和刺激全球经济增长所带来的挑战。
The competition between enterprises is basically which of qualified personal, whom called the primacy resource by economist . the qualified personnel become the key factor in winning the edge of competition and achieving sustained development 高科技企业之间的竞争,归根结底是人才的竞争,人才成为高科技企业赢得竞争优势和持续发展的关键因素,被经济学家称作“第一资源”。