

  • 对面, 对立, 相反, 相对
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  • 例句与用法
  • The passing parts of this catena product all adopt fluorine plastics alloy to press , its headmost product of fluorine alloy centrifugal pumps , axis - envelop choose advanced outer - install form moire - pipe machine - airproof , airproof of oppositely abrade have silicon nitride chinaware f4 horniness alloy to choose
  • The passing parts of this catena product all adopt fluorine plastics alloy to press the most outstanding trait is having magnetic function , wholly design for especial chemical craftwork work - section need to extract material above liquid - exterior . the axis - envelop choose advanced outer - install form moire - pipe machine - airproof , airproof of oppositely abrade have silicon nitride chinaware f4 horniness alloy to choose
  • By virtue of their different chemical properties , some amino acids are attracted to each other ( for example , oppositely charged amino acids ) and so will associate ; other amino acids will try to avoid water ( because they are greasy ) and so will drive the protein into a compact shape that excludes water from contacting most of the amino acids that " hide " in the core of this compacted protein
    由于氨基酸各不相同的化学属性,有些氨基酸会因为互相吸引(比如电荷相反的氨基酸)会连接在一起;还有些氨基酸因为不亲水(因为它们是油性的) ,它们就会驱使蛋白质形成一个紧凑的形状,以至于不让水碰到藏在蛋白质核心中的氨基酸。
  • Part i effects of gnt - v on cell proliferation , cell sensitivity to egf and the egf receptor of h7721 cell line using mtt method , it was found that the proliferation of cells transfected with sense gnt - v cdna was facilitated , and both of the total 3h - tdr incorporation and the specific incorporation per cell were also increased . oppositely , these parameters were reduced in cells transfected with antisense cdna of gnt - v . these results suggested that cell proliferation and dna synthesis were modulated by gnt - v
    第一部分gnt - v对h7721细胞生长、 egf敏感性和egf受体的影响用mtt方法发现转染正义gnt - vcdna的h7721细胞增殖速度加快,而且无论是~ 3h - tdr的总参入量或每个细胞的参入量均见增加,说明dna合成增强,而转染反义gnt - vcdna的h7721细胞则完全相反, dna合成和细胞增殖速度均见降低,这提示gnt - v可调节细胞的生长。
  • The park area locates at within the scope of north downtown magistracy , a development for protecting settling municipal downtown northeast , deep superhighway baoding city in city leading the way south side , western region nearby 107 country a run by private capital for , with new school in north university in river area with foreign language in the second senior high school oppositely , is gold to promote the business enterprise image district , the park s area for having completing primitive backlog combining beginning having scales getting two times starting a business building best terrace
  • A novel strip - coil - baffle structure used to enhance heat transfer and support the tube bundle for a tube - shell heat exchanger is proposed . the new structure can sleeve the tubes in bundle alternatively to create a vortex flow in a heat exchanger . the numerical simulation on the flow and heat transfer characteristics for this new structure heat exchanger is conducted . the computational domain consists of two strip - coil sleeved tubes and two bare tubes oppositely placed at each corner of a square . the velocity and temperature fields in such strip - coil - baffled channel are simulated using fluent software . the effects of the strip - coil - baffles on heat transfer enhancement and flow resistance in relation to the reynolds number are analyzed . the results show that this new structure bundle can enhance the heat transfer coefficient up to a range of 40 ? to 55 ? in comparison with a bare tube bundle ; meanwhile , higher flow resistance is also accompanied . it is believe that the strip - coil - baffled heat exchanger should have promising applications in many industry fields
    介绍了一种用于强化管壳式换热器壳侧传热和支撑管束的螺旋折流片新型结构,该结构是对换热器管子相间地套上螺旋折流片以产生旋涡流动.研究模型是在正方形布置的4个管子中的2个对角管子套上螺旋折流片后形成的通道,利用fluent软件对该上述四管通道模型的流场和温度分布情况进行了数值模拟;分析了四管通道模型中螺旋折流片对强化传热和流动阻力随雷诺数的变化关系的影响.算例结果显示该新型结构可比相同尺寸的光管通道中的情形传热系数提高约40 ? 55 ? ,同时也将伴随较高的流动阻力.可以相信螺旋折流片式换热器将会在许多工业领域有良好的应用前景
  • Through the analysis and studying of this subject , we can make conclusion as followed : during the whole heating season , the change law of the energy consumption of the thermal bridge is with the change law of the meteorological condition inside and outside the room : when airs temperatures indoor is steady , thermal bridge energy consumption increases with reducing of air temperature outside the room , reduce oppositely . the different position and the different structure patterns of the thermal bridges , even under the same meteorological condition inside and outside of the room , energy consumption of the building is different , and impact on heating energy consumption is different , this is mainly caused by the difference of the constructs thermal bridge and different influence in term of out wall , which lead to total mean heat - transfer coefficient different , when the heat - transfer coefficient is relatively small of outer wall , the impact of wall body is more obvious on heat - transfer coefficient of the thermal bridge
  • The third chapter analyzes the process of translating the system performance to the system architecture based on the hierarchy design flow , and then , presents the method and the result of the system partition from different views such as : the oppositely absolute processing modules , convergent controllability , the simple and similar interfaces
  • Abstract : a novel strip - coil - baffle structure used to enhance heat transfer and support the tube bundle for a tube - shell heat exchanger is proposed . the new structure can sleeve the tubes in bundle alternatively to create a vortex flow in a heat exchanger . the numerical simulation on the flow and heat transfer characteristics for this new structure heat exchanger is conducted . the computational domain consists of two strip - coil sleeved tubes and two bare tubes oppositely placed at each corner of a square . the velocity and temperature fields in such strip - coil - baffled channel are simulated using fluent software . the effects of the strip - coil - baffles on heat transfer enhancement and flow resistance in relation to the reynolds number are analyzed . the results show that this new structure bundle can enhance the heat transfer coefficient up to a range of 40 ? to 55 ? in comparison with a bare tube bundle ; meanwhile , higher flow resistance is also accompanied . it is believe that the strip - coil - baffled heat exchanger should have promising applications in many industry fields
    文摘:介绍了一种用于强化管壳式换热器壳侧传热和支撑管束的螺旋折流片新型结构,该结构是对换热器管子相间地套上螺旋折流片以产生旋涡流动.研究模型是在正方形布置的4个管子中的2个对角管子套上螺旋折流片后形成的通道,利用fluent软件对该上述四管通道模型的流场和温度分布情况进行了数值模拟;分析了四管通道模型中螺旋折流片对强化传热和流动阻力随雷诺数的变化关系的影响.算例结果显示该新型结构可比相同尺寸的光管通道中的情形传热系数提高约40 ? 55 ? ,同时也将伴随较高的流动阻力.可以相信螺旋折流片式换热器将会在许多工业领域有良好的应用前景
  • At the same time , the formed ris reacts oppositely to the economy . a rational ris may accelerate agricultural and rural development and a non - rational one will make the extravagant use of the social and economical resources . the dissertation mainly discusses the law of ris changing and the relations with all the factors during its changing in china , the influent to rural economic growth through ris adjustment , and effect the ris adjustment
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  • 英文解释
  • in an opposite position

  • in an opposite position

  • 其他语种释义
  • oppositelyとは意味:{副} : 反対{はんたい}の位置{いち}に、向かい側に、向かい合って
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