native adj. 1.出生地的,本国的,本地的。 2.土著的,本地人的;土产的,国内的。 3.生来的,天赋的。 4.天生的,天然的;纯粹的。 5.天真的,纯朴的。 native country [land] 本国,祖国。 native place 故乡。 a native son 本地人,土生土长的儿子。 a N- Son 〔美俚〕加利福尼亚人。 native sons of New York 纯粹的纽约人。 native fruit 当地水果。 fruits native and foreign 国内外的水果。 native copper 纯铜,自然铜。 native rubber 天然橡胶。 go native 采取简单朴素的生活方式;作当地人,过当地生活。 n. 1.土著,生在…的人 (of)。 2.〔澳大利亚〕生在澳大利亚的白种人;〔澳大利亚〕像英国种的(动植物)。 3.〔常贬〕土人,未开化人;当地人;当地动植物。 4.〔英国〕(人工蚝场的)本场蚝[牡蛎]。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
tongue n. 1.舌;口条〔食用的牛舌等〕。 2.口才,说法;语言;国语;方言;国民。 3.舌状物;(环扣的)针;岬,湾;火舌;(皮鞋钮扣下面的)舌皮;铃舌;【建,机】雄榫,榫舌;舌饰;【电学】衔铁,舌簧;(继电器的)舌片;【铁路】尖轨;留在舌上的余味〔多指不愉快的余味〕。 4.〔美俚〕律师。 a coated [dirty, furred] tongue 【医学】长了舌苔的舌头。 Good brandy leaves no tongue in the morning. 好白兰地不会使人第二天感到嘴里不舒服。 one's mother tongue 家乡话,本国话。 the Chinese tongue 中国话。 all tongues 所有国民。 bite the tongue 保持沉默。 find one's tongue (张口结舌等之后)能说话了,能开口了。 give tongue (猎狗发现猎获物)咬,吠;(人)叫喊。 have a bitter [spiteful] tongue 嘴毒,说话刻薄。 have a ready [fluent] tongue 口齿伶俐,口才好。 have a rough tongue 说话粗鲁。 hold one's tongue 保持沉默。 keep a civil tongue in one's head 措辞谨慎。 lose one's tongue (因害臊等)说不出话来。 oil one's tongue 说恭维话。 on the tip of one's tongue 险些讲出。 on the tongues of men 被人谈论。 put out one's tongue 伸舌头;〔转义〕(表示某种情绪)做鬼脸。 stick [put, thrust] one's tongue in one's cheek 用舌头顶起脸颊〔侮蔑相〕。 throw tongue= give tongue. wag one's tongue 不断地唠叨。 with one's tongue in one's cheek 不老实地,讽刺地,挖苦地 (speak with one's tongue in cheek about peace 空谈和平)。 vt.,vi. 用舌头控制着吹奏;吹奏时用舌头;舔;做舌榫(在板上);(将板等)做成雌雄榫[企口接缝,舌槽]接上〔= tongue and groove〕; 〔诗〕讲,说;〔口语〕申斥,谴责。 adj. -less 没有舌头的;缄默的;哑的。
A 70-year old german seeking swiss citizenship was told to go back to school to learn his own native tongue despite being proficient in german, a swiss newspaper said 一名七十岁的德籍男子在申请瑞士公民资格时,被要求返校学习他的母语,尽管他早已精通德语,根据一家瑞士报纸报导说。
But the foreigner's ability to speak the native tongue-even a little-will help warm relations, making the buyer more comfortable about doing business with an outsider 但是外国人如果能够说一些当地的方言,哪怕只会说一点点--对于改善合作双方的关系有一定的帮助,那样会使得买方在与外国人做生意时能够感到舒适一些。
The most significant difference about this trip above all the other ones i have ever taken was the complete disconnection from any sort of immediate family or close friends that i could talk to in my native tongue 与我其他所有的旅行相比,此次中国之行最大的区别就是,与我可以使用母语交谈的家人和挚友们完全断开了接触。
This volume is a collection of supreme master ching hais discourses given in aulacese, her native tongue, between 1989 and 1997 . its brilliant contents include discussions of many topics related to religion and spiritual practice 本书收录了1989至1997年间,清海无上师以悠乐母语所作的多场开示,内容丰富精采,对许多宗教或灵修相关的主题,都有很精辟的阐释。
We also offer a translation feature to make content available to users regardless of their native tongue and for those who prefer not to search in english, google s interface can be customized into more than 100 languages 我们也提供翻译的功能以让网页内容适用于使用者,而不用担心他们的母语为何而针对不想以英文执行搜寻的使用者,google的介面也可以自订约100种语言。
These different language versions enable more and more people around the world to get access official weather forecasts disseminated in their own native tongues . the development of these internet weather services not only meets the needs of the community, but also fits well with the 2004 world meteorological day theme weather, climate and water in the information age 这些不同语言的版本意味世界上越来越多人可以享用以他们自己语言发布的官方天气预测。这些网上气象服务的发展,既响应市民的需求,也配合二四年世界气象日在资讯年代的天气、气候和水这主题。
"talking of countries, " replied franz, " of what country is the count, what is his native tongue, whence does he derive his immense fortune, and what were those events of his early life-a life as marvellous as unknown-that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy 他靠什么生活?他这种庞大的财产是从哪儿得来的呢?他的生活是这样的神秘莫测,在他的前期生活中,曾发生过什么大事,以致使他在后来岁月中抱有这样黑暗阴郁的一种厌世观呢?