
native tongue中文是什么意思

  • n. 本国语
  • [网络] 母语;土语;当地土语



  • 例句与用法
  • A 70-year old german seeking swiss citizenship was told to go back to school to learn his own native tongue despite being proficient in german, a swiss newspaper said
  • But the foreigner's ability to speak the native tongue-even a little-will help warm relations, making the buyer more comfortable about doing business with an outsider
  • The most significant difference about this trip above all the other ones i have ever taken was the complete disconnection from any sort of immediate family or close friends that i could talk to in my native tongue
  • This volume is a collection of supreme master ching hais discourses given in aulacese, her native tongue, between 1989 and 1997 . its brilliant contents include discussions of many topics related to religion and spiritual practice
  • We also offer a translation feature to make content available to users regardless of their native tongue and for those who prefer not to search in english, google s interface can be customized into more than 100 languages
  • These different language versions enable more and more people around the world to get access official weather forecasts disseminated in their own native tongues . the development of these internet weather services not only meets the needs of the community, but also fits well with the 2004 world meteorological day theme weather, climate and water in the information age
  • "talking of countries, " replied franz, " of what country is the count, what is his native tongue, whence does he derive his immense fortune, and what were those events of his early life-a life as marvellous as unknown-that have tinctured his succeeding years with so dark and gloomy a misanthropy
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  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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