

  • 航空例行天告
  • 航空例行天气报告



  • 例句与用法
  • Originating airport name , metar speci issue time , wind direction speed gust , wind direction variation , visibility , runway visual range , weather during time of observation , cloud , air temperature dew - point , qnh pressure measured at airport with adjustment made to suit aeronautical use , weather during the past hour but not at time of observation , wind shear information , trend - type landing forecast
    发出资料的机场名称发出metar speci的时间风向风速阵风风向转变能见度跑道视程观测时的天气云层气温露点qnh在机场录得的气压,经调整以配合航空用途过去一小时但非观测时的天气风切变资料飞机降落用的趋势预测。
  • Speci is special weather report issued when there is significant deterioration or improvement in airport weather conditions , such as significant changes of surface winds , visibility , cloud base height and occurrence of severe weather . the format of the speci report is similar to that of the metar and the elements used have the same meaning . the identifier metar or speci at the beginning of the weather report differentiates them
    发出资料的机场名称、发出metarspeci的时间、风向风速阵风、风向转变、能见度、跑道视程、观测时的天气、云层、气温露点、 qnh (在机场录得的气压,经调整以配合航空用途) 、过去一小时(但非观测时)的天气、风切变资料、飞机降落用的趋势预测。
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  • 百科解释
METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is predominantly used by pilots in fulfillment of a part of a pre-flight weather briefing, and by meteorologists, who use aggregated METAR information to assist in weather forecasting.
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