During the classical era ( 555 bc - 300 ad ) , some magi migrated westward , settling in greece , and then italy 在古典时期(公元前555 ? ?公元300年) ,一些祭司(魔法师)迁移到西部,迁入希腊,然后就是意大利。
In the eyes of the magi , what would have indicated that the birth was specifically of a king of the jews rather than of some other people 在东方三博士的眼中,有什么理由是指定一位特别的犹太国王,更胜于其他人呢?
And by him , that spoke only as a philosopher and natural man , it was well said ; pompa mortis magis terret , quam mars ipsa 那位仅以人间哲学家及世人之一的资格说话的古人说得很好: “与死亡俱来的一切,比死亡更骇人” 。
The last leaf is also a love story . it heightens the spirit of giving celebrated in the gift of the magi with a touching story of friendship 最后树叶是也一爱情故事.它加强了让步的精神,由星术学家决定用一友谊的感人的故事颂扬
I am very pleased that my books , the collector , the magus and the french lieutenant ' s woman , are being published by crown culture corporation 很高兴我所写的《蝴蝶春梦》 、 《魔法师》和《法国中尉的女人》即将在皇冠文化集团出版。
Costume : the general form of the cloak probably derives from st nicholas , although the traditional costumes of the three magi also may have contributed 服装:衣服的大致形状源自圣?尼古拉斯,当然与东方三贤人的传统着装也不无关系。
However , his defection and betrayal of his allies during the war of the magi caused him to be sentenced to banishment to the spirit realm for all of eternity 然而他在法师之战中对盟友的离弃与背叛,致使他遭受放逐于灵界,直到永远。
In this way he showed us our own true image and urged us to take our place , with all our faults and weaknesses , in the procession of the saints that began with the magi from the east 这样,他也叫我们看到自己的真面貌,并劝勉我们带著自身的种种软弱和欠缺,进入东方贤士所开始的圣人行列。
[ one may see implicit in this final quotation from " the gift of the magi , " the significance o . henry placed on both the concepts of romantic love and self - sacrificial love [ 5月1日看见隐含在这最后"星术学家的礼物"的行情中把重要性放在在两方面同样地罗曼蒂克爱的观念和自我献祭的爱上欧亨利]
Three wise men from the east ( the magi ) followed a wondrous star , which led them to the baby jesus to whom they paid homage and presented gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh 三个来自东方的先知(东方三博士)追随着一颗奇异的星星来到婴孩耶稣身边,向耶稣伏拜,并献上黄金、乳香和没药做为礼物。