
less developed countries中文是什么意思

  • 欠发达国家



  • 例句与用法
  • To trace the causes , first , product entry rules in these countries are much more voluminous and more complex than those in the less developed countries , and these developed countries execute the rules more strictly than the less developed countries . second , we exported more products to the said developed country markets
  • Furthermore , government procurement is not only the simple purchasing behavior of government , but also a behavior with political and economical meaning . it has important impacts to the development of all countries . as the puny group in the world trade , the less developed countries must regard the government procurement as an important part
  • " the number of people speaking english as a first language continues to rise , but it is n ' t rising nearly as fast as the numbers of many other languages around the world simply because the main population group has been largely in the lesser developed countries where languages other than english have been spoken , " he says
    英语新闻学习http : news . jewelove . net他指出英语使用者的总数不会下降,但其它方面就很难说了。他说: “把英语作为母语的人数会继续上升,但是其增长速度不如世界上许多其他语种快,那只是因为人口大都集中在以英语之外的其他语言为主的欠发达国家。 ”
  • Capacity - building , to ensure that the wto s less advanced members can implement commitments , and take maximum advantage of market access opportunities . this plan is based on our close consultation with our partners in geneva to ensure that technical assistance and capacity - building programs meet the actual needs and practical experience of less developed countries
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less developed countries的中文翻译,less developed countries是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译less developed countries,less developed countries的中文意思,less developed countries的中文less developed countries in Chineseless developed countries的中文less developed countries怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
