
lay eggs中文是什么意思

  • 下蛋



  • 例句与用法
  • The females come ashore two or more times a season on an average of every 3 years to lay eggs in a nest cavity on the beaches
  • They inhabit the human large intestine and migrate to the anus at night to lay eggs . this may result in local itchiness
  • The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone . in order for her ovaries to function she must be able to see another pigeon
  • The female stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs . she may lay 100 at a time , protecting them in a silken egg sac
  • One reason for it is that around easter time the rural household had plenty of eggs handy . the hens began to lay eggs again in the spring
    (其中一个原因也许是,随着春天的来临,鸡开始下蛋的。在复活节前后,农户手里有许多鸡蛋。 )
  • D : one reason for it is that around easter time the rural household had plenty of eggs handy . the hens began to lay eggs again in the spring
    (其中一个原因也许是,随着春天的来临,鸡开始下蛋的。在复活节前后,农户手里有许多鸡蛋。 )
  • Annie : duckbills can lay eggs and lactation as well . it has an animal ' s body , but has a duck ' s mouth . it is a rare animal . no wonder the australian like it
  • Green turtles normally have a very low survival rate due to predation and natural mortality and mature turtles only lay eggs every two to three years on the average
  • On the basis of 6 years of research , this result showed that adult chinese alligators could lay eggs in the next year if the temperature 5 ~ 8 during a deep hibernation for them
    6年的研究表明扬子鳄在深眠期的温度处在5 ~ 8时,扬子鳄越冬后能够成功繁殖产卵。
  • Elasmosaurus swam slowly like a turtle does . it came onto the sandy beach a little bit , maybe to lay eggs . it lived in the oceans but breathed air
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